313. Rabbi Yosi opened the discussion saying, "The song of songs, which is Solomon's" (Shir Hashirim 1:1). King Solomon was inspired to this song when the Temple was built, and all the worlds above and below were completed in one completion. Even though the friends disagree AS TO WHEN IT WAS SAID, THE MAIN OPINION IS THAT IT WAS SAID WHEN THE TEMPLE WAS BUILT. But this song was recited whole only when the moon, WHICH IS MALCHUT, was fully completed, and the Temple was built in the likeness of above. When the Temple was built below, there was no joy before the Holy One, blessed be He, from the day that the world was created, like that day.
314. Moses made the tabernacle in the wilderness, so that the Shechinah could descend to earth. On that day, another tabernacle was erected above, as was explained, as it is written, "The tabernacle was erected" (Shemot 40:17). "The Tabernacle" comes to imply another tabernacle that was erected with it, and that is the tabernacle of the youth Metatron, and not higher. When the first Temple was built, another first Temple was built with it, WHICH IS MALCHUT, WHEN IT WAS IN THE GRADE OF BINAH. It existed in all the worlds and illuminated all the worlds, and the world became fragrant and all the supernal apertures were opened to shine. There was no joy in the world like on that day, and then those above and those below opened and said a song, the Song of Songs, the Songs that the musicians play to the Holy One, blessed be He.
315. King David recited, "A song of ascents" (Tehilim 125:1) and King Solomon recited, "The Song of Songs," MEANING a song of those who play music. What is the difference between them, for it seems that they are all the same? HE ANSWERS, Certainly it is all one, but in the days of King David, all the musicians were not in their places to play music properly, because the Temple was not built yet. Therefore, they were not prepared above in their places. For as there are watches arranged on the earth, so it is in heaven, and they stand one corresponding to the other. AND THE WATCHES BELOW WERE AS YET NOT PREPARED PROPERLY BECAUSE THE TEMPLE WAS NOT BUILT.
316. On the day that the Temple was built, they were all fixed in their place, MEANING THE WATCHES, and the candle, WHICH IS MALCHUT, that did not illuminate started to illuminate. This song, THE SONG OF SONGS, was arranged for the supernal King, the King that the peace is His, ZEIR ANPIN. This praise towered above all first praises. The day that this praise was revealed to the world was found completed in everything and so "THE SONG OF SONGS" is considered the Holy of Holies.
317. In the Book of Adam, it was it is written, On the day that the Temple will be built, the Patriarchs will inspire song above and below. Therefore, we find that the Shin OF SHIR HASHIRIM is one of the large letters, FOR THE THREE BRANCHES ALLUDE TO THE THREE PATRIARCHS. These PATRIARCHS are the ones who inspire the song. They do not actually play music, BECAUSE ONLY MALCHUT DOES, but they awaken the above by the song of these great songs that are appointed over all the worlds, NAMELY OF BINAH.
318. We have learned that the perfect Jacob arose on that day and entered the Garden of Eden joyously to his place. Then the Garden of Eden, WHICH IS MALCHUT, started to sing and all the spices in the Garden of Eden SANG. Who brought the singing and who recited it? You must admit that Jacob brought this about. For had he not entered, then the Garden of Eden would not have sung. SO WE SEE THAT JACOB BROUGHT IT, AND THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WHICH IS MALCHUT, RECITED IT.
319. This song is a song that includes the whole Torah, a song with which those above and those below became inspired. It is a song which is similar to above, which is the supernal Shabbat, WHICH IS BINAH, a song that the Supernal Holy Name, WHICH IS MALCHUT, becomes crowned by. Therefore, it is the Holy of Holies. What is the reason? Because all its words are in the love and the joy of all, and the Cup of Blessing, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is given with the right hand, WITH CHESED. Since it is given with the right hand, then all joy and love are present. Therefore, all its words are with love and with joy.
320. When this right hand is turned back, as it is written, "He has drawn back His right hand" (Eichah 2:3), then the Cup of Blessing, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is given with the left hand, WHERE THE JUDGMENTS ARE BECAUSE OF A LACK OF CHASSADIM. Since it is given with the left hand, those above and those below start to lament Her. And what do they say, "How (Heb. eichah)?" WHICH ARE THE LETTERS ei (Eng. 'where') koh, MEANING where is the Cup of Blessing, WHICH IS MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED 'KOH.' The place above wherein She would sit, NAMELY THE PLACE OF BINAH, was withheld and removed from Her. Therefore, all the words of Shir Hashirim, which is of the right side, are of love and joy. All the words of Eichah, in which the right is missing, and only the left is present, are grievances and lamentations.
321. If you ask, Every joy and every jubilation and every song is from the left side. Therefore, Levites who are of the left side play the song. SO HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT IT IS JUDGMENTS AND LAMENTATIONS? HE ANSWERS, Any time there is joy from the left side, it is present only when the right is joined with it, MEANING THAT THE CHOCHMAH IN THE LEFT BECOMES ATTACHED WITH CHASSADIM OF THE RIGHT. When the right becomes aroused and joins with it, then that joy in the right improves and pacifies the anger OF THE LEFT, BECAUSE ALL THE ANGER AND JUDGMENTS THAT ARE IN THE LEFT ARE BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF CHASSADIM, WHICH IS FROM THE RIGHT. When the anger is pacified and there is joy from the right side, then a complete joy comes from that side, FROM THE LEFT, BECAUSE AFTER BECOMING ATTIRED WITH CHASSADIM, THE CHOCHMAH IN THE LEFT ALSO ILLUMINATES. AND THE JOY IS COMPLETE.
322. When the right is not present, the anger in the left increases, BECAUSE THE RIGHT is not pacifying and is not improving and is not causing joy. Then, it IS SAID Eichah, WHICH ARE THE LETTERS Ei (Eng. 'where') koh, NAMELY the Cup of Blessing THAT IS CALLED 'KOH.' What will become of it, for it sits in the left, and the anger is increasing and is not pacified? Certainly complaints and lamentations are aroused.