228. Rabbi Elazar said, Blessed is the portion of the righteous. Jacob fled from his brother and he chanced upon a well, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF NUKVA. As soon as the well saw him, the waters recognized their master, and they rose toward him, IN THE SECRET OF MAYIN NUKVIN ('FEMALE WATERS'). And they rejoiced with him and then his soulmate, RACHEL, joined him. Moses fled from Pharaoh and chanced upon that well, and the waters saw him and recognized their master and rose towards him, IN THE SECRET OF MAYIN NUKVIN, and there he was joined by his soulmate, TZIPORAH.
229. What was the difference between Moses and Jacob? (IMPLYING THAT THERE IS REALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MOSES AND JACOB.) It is written of Jacob: "And it came to pass that when Jacob saw Rachel...and rolled the stone..." (Beresheet 29:10). Of Moses it is written, "And the shepherds came and drove them away, but Moses stood up and helped them" (Shemot 2:17). After he saw the waters rising towards him, certainly Moses knew that he would find his soulmate there. Also, the Holy Spirit never departed from him, and through it he knew that Tziporah would be his wife. Moses said, 'Certainly when Jacob came here and the waters rose towards him, someone came to him who took him to his home and gave him all his needs. So will it be with me!'
230. That man said, So have I learned that Jethro was a priest to idols; as soon as he saw that there is nothing in idolatry, he separated from its service. The people arose and excommunicated him. When the people saw his daughters COMING TO WATER HIS SHEEP, they drove them away. For originally, they THEMSELVES herded his sheep, SINCE HE WAS THEIR PRIEST. As soon as Moses saw, by the Holy Spirit, that they were doing this because of the matter of idolatry, "Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock." And all this was done through zealousness for the Holy One, blessed be He.
231. Rabbi Elazar said to him, You are with us but we do not know your name. He said, I am Yoezer, the son of Jacob. The friends came and kissed him and said, You have been with us and we did not know you. They walked together all that day and the morrow they escorted him three miles and he went on his way.
232. "And they said, 'An Egyptian man delivered us'" (Shemot 2:19). Rabbi Chiya said, The friends explained this to mean that the Holy Spirit flickered in them WHEN THEY SAID "AN EGYPTIAN MAN DELIVERED US." They spoke but did not know what they spoke. FOR EXAMPLE, a man was dwelling in a wilderness and many days passed that he ate no food. One day, a bear came to catch a lamb. The lamb fled and the bear PURSUED him until they reached that man in the wilderness. He saw the lamb, grabbed it, slaughtered it and ate the meat. WE FIND THAT THE BEAR CAUSED THAT MAN TO EAT FOOD. ALSO, HERE THE EGYPTIAN THAT WAS KILLED BY MOSES CAUSED MOSES TO FLEE AND COME TO MIDIAN, TO THE WELL. THEREFORE, THEY SAID, "AN EGYPTIAN MAN DELIVERED US," WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, MEANING THE EGYPTIAN MAN THAT MOSES KILLED.