11. Rabbi Shimon said, Elazar, my son, stop talking lest the supernal hidden secret, which humans know nothing about, be revealed. Rabbi Elazar stopped talking and was silent. Rabbi Shimon wept and stood still for a moment. Rabbi Shimon then said, Elazar, what are these (Heb. eleh, which is spelled ALEPH LAMED HEI)? If you say that they are the planets and the constellations, have they not always been seen? And they were created by Mah WHICH IS MALCHUT. As it is written, "By the word of Hashem (THAT IS, MALCHUT) were the heavens made" (Tehilim 33:6).- And if THE TERM ELEH was said about the hidden things, then there is no NEED to write Eleh, because they, THE PLANETS AND THE CONSTELLATIONS, are visible.
12. This secret was never before revealed, until one day when I was on the seashore, Elijah came and asked me: Sir, do you know what "Who (Heb. mi) has created these (Heb. eleh)" means? I answered 'these' are the heavens and their hosts, the works of the Holy One, blessed be He. And man should look at them and bless Him, as is written, "When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers... Adonai our Master, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!" (Tehilim 8:4-10).
13. He told me, Rabbi, the Holy One, blessed be He, had a great secret, which He revealed to the celestial Yeshivah. The secret is that when the most concealed One desired to reveal Himself, He first made one Point, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and this point ascended and became a Thought, WHICH IS BINAH. THIS MEANS THAT MALCHUT ROSE UP AND WAS INCLUDED WITHIN BINAH. He shaped in it all the images and engraved all the designs.
14. And He engraved inside the sacred and hidden candlelight, WHICH IS MALCHUT THAT IS INCLUDED WITHIN BINAH, an engraving of a mystical and holy design. It is a very profound structure that emerges from the thought, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE UPPER THREE SFIROT, and is called Mi, which is the inception of this edifice. And it is exists and exists not; it is hidden deep inside the name ELOHIM. FURTHERMORE, it is called only Mi (Mem Yud). THIS MEANS THAT IT LACKS THE LETTERS ALEPH, LAMED, AND HEI FROM THE NAME ELOHIM (ALEPH-LAMED-HEI-YUD -MEM). He desired to reveal Himself and to be called ELOHIM, so He dressed Himself up in a precious shining garment, WHICH IS THE LIGHT OF CHASSADIM, and created Eleh. And these letters, Aleph, Lamed, and Hei, after being joined together ascended to the name ELOHIM, MEANING THAT the letters MEM AND YUD, combined with ALEPH, LAMED, AND HEI, complete the name Elohim. Furthermore, as long as He did not create the letters Aleph, Lamed, and Hei, they did not amount to the name Elohim. Those who sinned in worshipping the Golden Calf used this secret by saying, "These (Heb. eleh) are your Elohim, Yisrael" (Shemot 32:4).
15. Just as the letters Mi joined Eleh, AND FORMED THE NAME ELOHIM, USING THE PRECIOUS SHINING GARMENT, WHICH IS THE LIGHT OF CHASSADIM, so the name has remained forever combined. And the continued existence of the world is based on this secret, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE VERSE, "THE WORLD IS BUILT BY LOVE (HEB. CHESED)" (TEHILIM 89:3). Elijah then flew away, and I could not see him anymore. And it is from him that I received this knowledge and was able to grasp this hidden secret. Rabbi Elazar came with all the other friends and bowed down before him. They wept and then said, if we had not come into this world but only to hear this secret, it would have been enough for us.