306. Come and see: When the children of Yisrael did what they did, and committed that sin, why did they choose a calf, and not something else? If you say they chose the calf, this is not so. They only said, "Arise, make us Elohim, which shall go before us" (Shemot 32:1), and Aaron wanted to detain them. WHO THEN CHOSE THE CALF?
307. HE REPLIES: Assuredly this was done properly. For from the side of gold, THE LEFT COLUMN, the dross comes out when the gold is refined. From THE DROSS OF GOLD are spread all the aspects of the left, the fusion of the refuse, spread to different directions. They are all of a red color, the hue of gold found in the mountains, when the sun is strong. For the strength of the sun shines upon the gold and generates it on earth. The chieftain, in charge of the strength of the sun, resembles a calf in his looks, and is called "the destruction that wastes at noonday" (Tehilim 91:6). The red fusion of the gold is coming out of the calf, NAMELY, THAT CHIEFTAIN, AND ALSO all those coming from that red, which is the spirit of unholiness, AND ALSO all those issuing from that spirit of unholiness and spreading in the world. THEREFORE, THE CALF WAS MADE BY THE FUSION OF THE GOLD THAT AARON THREW INTO THE FIRE.
308. The spirit of unholiness is the evil serpent, upon which rides SAMAEL, a male and a female called 'these', so called for appearing in the world in all their several aspects. The Holy Spirit is called 'this' (Heb. zot, fem.), the secret of the Covenant, the holy sign always found on men, NAMELY, THE CROWN OF YESOD. It is also CALLED 'this' (Heb. ze, masc.), as it is written, "this is Hashem" (Yeshayah 25:9), and "this is my El" (Shemot 15:2). But the others are called 'these', as it is written, "these are your Elohim, Yisrael" (Shemot 32:4), and "these may forget" (Yeshayah 49:15), REFERRING TO THE MAKING OF THE GOLDEN CALF, "yet I (the secret of 'this') shall not forget you" (Ibid.). It is also written, "for these I weep" (Eichah 1:16), because the sin OF THE CALF CALLED 'THESE' caused them much weeping.
309. Another explanation OF THE VERSE "for these I weep": because the place CALLED 'THESE' was given permission to rule over Yisrael and destroy the Temple, it is written, "for these I weep." The secret of the matter is that "for these" is the side of defilement CALLED 'THESE', which was given permission to rule. "I weep" refers to the Holy Spirit, NAMELY MALCHUT, called 'I'.
310. And if you say, "these are the words of the covenant" (Devarim 28:69), is written AS CHASTISEMENT, HE ANSWERS: Assuredly so, FOR HERE ALSO THERE IS AN ALLUSION TO THE OTHER SIDE, because all these curses have existence only in 'these', where are all the curses are found as explained THAT THE OTHER SIDE is damned, as it is written, "you are cursed above...every beast" (Beresheet 3:14). For that reason 'these' precede, referring to whoever transgresses "the words of the covenant." ALSO, "these are commandments, which Hashem commanded Moses" (Vayikra 27:34), for the precepts of the Torah purify man so he would not stray to the path OF 'THESE', but beware of them, and stay away from them.
311. You may say "these are the generations of Noah, Noah..." (Beresheet 6:9). Assuredly, THE OTHER SIDE WAS THERE TOO, because he begot Ham, the father of Canaan, upon which it is written, "cursed be Canaan" (Beresheet 9:25). This is the secret of writing 'these', THAT HE IS CURSED.
312. Hence they are all the fusion of the dross of gold. And Aaron offered gold, which is of his own side, THE ASPECT THEREOF included in the strength of fire, MEANING THAT RIGHT IS INCLUDED IN THE LEFT, AND THEREFORE, AARON, WHO IS RIGHT WAS COMPRISED WITHIN THE LEFT, WHICH IS THE STRENGTH OF FIRE. And all is one. This side, LEFT, is gold and fire.