146. The seven SFIROT CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD, YESOD AND MALCHUT are divided into seven abysses. Each strikes its abyss, and stones roll into it. A light penetrates those stones, WHICH ARE VEILS, and pierces them. Water penetrates them and they sink into the abyss. The water covers the two aspects OF THE ABYSS.
147. The water oozes through the holes, and light enters THROUGH THEM and strikes the four sides of the abyss. The lights are combined in each other and merge into one, and the water is divided.
148. And the seven SFIROT OF ZEIR ANPIN grasp the seven abysses and dig into the darkness therein. The darknesses intermingle, and the waters come up, and go and roll down by means of the lights. The lights mingle with the darkness, to become unseen dark lights.
150. Every pipe OF ZEIR ANPIN raises its voice, and the abysses shudder. And when that voice is heard, each abyss calls its fellow, saying 'divide your waters so I may enter you'. This is the meaning of "Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your cataracts" (Tehilim 42:8).
151. Underneath THE PIPES, there are 365 tendons, some white, some black, and some red. They are mingled into one color. These tendons are woven into seventeen nets, and each net is called 'tendons'. They interweave and descend into the bottom of the abyss. Beneath them there are two nets, one of the appearance of iron, the other of copper.
152. Two thrones stand upon them, one to the right and one to the left. All the nets are merged together, and the water goes down by the pipes and into the nets. Of these two thrones, one is of the black firmament and the other of the colorful firmament. When they ascend, they ascend by way of the chair of the black firmament and when they descend, they do so by way of the colorful firmament.
153. These two thrones are one on the right and one on the left. The chair of the black firmament, NETZACH, is on the right, and the throne of the colorful firmament, HOD, is on the left. When THE LIGHTS mount by way of the throne of the black firmament, the throne of the left firmament descends, AND THE LIGHTS descend through it, FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD.