143. Rabbi Elazar said: This is the secret that we learned of "this (Heb. zot)," WHICH REFERS TO MALCHUT, "because she (zot) was taken out of man" (Beresheet 2:23). It is also written: "She (zot) shall be called woman" (Ibid.) and zot is included in man, WHO IS ZEIR ANPIN, which is Chesed, and zot is female. Chesed is male. Therefore, the male that comes from the white side, WHICH IS CHESED, is called Chesed and Zot is referred to as righteousness, since she comes from the side of red, THAT IS LEFT AND JUDGMENT. That is why she is called "woman (Heb. ishah)," WHICH IS DERIVED FROM FIRE (HEB. ESH) AND RIGHTEOUSNESS. That is the reason it is written: "And His righteousness TO CHILDREN'S CHILDREN" (Tehilim 103:17). IT IS NOT WRITTEN: 'AND HIS CHESED.' What is the meaning of "His righteousness?" This is the righteousness of Chesed, its spouse, for they sweeten one another, SINCE HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS INCLUDES ALSO THE MALE THAT IS CHESED. THAT IS WHY IT IS WRITTEN: "HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS." Therefore we have learned that any priest that does not have a wife is not permitted to carry out his duties, since it is written: "and make atonement for himself, and for his house" (Vayikra 16:17).
144. Rabbi Yitzchak said: THEREFORE, A PRIEST IS NOT PERMITTED TO DO HIS DUTIES IF HE HAS NO WIFE, since the Shechinah does not dwell in someone who is not married. It is more imperative for the priests to have the Shechinah dwelling among them than the rest of the nation. When the Shechinah rests on them, Chesed resides among them and they are considered pious men (Heb. Chassidim). They are required to bless the nation and this is what is meant by: "And Your pious ones shall bless You" (Tehilim 145:10). It is also written: "Let Your Tummin and Your Urim be with Your pious one" (Devarim 33:8). Since the priest is considered pious, he needs to bless, which is why it is written, "Speak to Aaron and to his sons, saying, In this way you shall bless" (Bemidbar 6:23). The reason is that they are considered pious and it is written, "And Your pious ones shall bless You."