28. Rabbi Elazar was standing in the presence of his father, Rabbi Shimon. He told him that it says: "live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of the life of your vanity" (Kohelet 9:9). WHAT IS THE EXPLANATION? He said to him: Come and behold. The verse: "live joyfully with the wife whom you love," is the secret that a person must include life, FROM THE TREE OF LIFE, THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN, in this place, WHICH IS MALCHUT REFERRED TO AS 'WOMAN.' One does not go without the other, ZEIR ANPIN WITHOUT MALCHUT. A person must include the measure of the day at night; THAT IS, A MEASURE OF ZEIR ANPIN, REFERRED TO AS 'DAY' IN MALCHUT, REFERRED TO AS 'NIGHT,' AND VICE VERSA, the measure of night in the day. That is the meaning of: "live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of the life of your vanity." What is the reason? "For that is your portion in life," since life, THAT IS, THE SECRET OF ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH, does not prevail except on this, ON MALCHUT, SINCE THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH DOES NOT BECOME REVEALED IN ANY OTHER PLACE THAN HER. "And in your labor in which you do labor under the sun" (Ibid.) is as you say: "in all your ways acknowledge (Heb. da'ehu) Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Mishlei 3:6). DA'EHU INCLUDES THE LETTERS OF KNOW (HEB. DA) AND VAV-HEI, WHICH ARE ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT.
29. Come and behold: all the worlds of King Solomon are deeply concealed in Wisdom. These verses seem as if the restriction has been removed, since it says following that: "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your strength, for there is no work, nor device..." (Kohelet 9:10). This verse must be studied carefully. Did Solomon, who had higher wisdom than any world inhabitants, indeed say this?
30. HE RESPONDS: It is only that all the words of Solomon, the king, were spoken in the secret of Wisdom. Come and behold: "whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your strength." That means that a person needs to include the left in the right, and everything he does should only be composed of the right. "whatever your hand finds to do," is the left, WHICH IS CALLED 'HAND,' and, "to do...with your strength," is right, as it is written, "Your right hand, Hashem, is glorious in power" (Shemot 15:6). As soon as a person is careful so that all his actions are on the right side, he will gather the left into the right, and the Holy One, blessed be He, will dwell within him in this world and will gather him to be with Him in the World to Come.
31. A person should not say, 'When I get to that world, then I will ask the King for mercy and I will repent in His presence,' because IT IS FOR THIS THAT IT IS SAID: "for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom" after the person departs from this world. However, if a person desires the Holy King to illuminate him in this world and grant him a part in the World to Come, he should toil in this world to gather his activities to the right. All his deeds should be for the sake of the Holy One, blessed be He, for after departing this world to be judged in harsh Judgment and to be punished in Gehenom, there is no recourse to counsel, wisdom or understanding to be saved from that sentence.
32. Another explanation of: "for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol." There are levels upon levels in Gehenom, and the lowest level is "Sheol." An even lower level is "Avadon," and one is near the other. Whoever descends to Sheol will be put on trial. From there he can rise in a whistle, as it is written: "He brings down to Sheol, and brings up" (I Shmuel 2:6). Whoever is lowered to "Avadon" never rises FROM THERE.
33. For whoever has a good deed or is of those who do reckoning, it was already explained that each and every night, before he sleeps, he must make an accounting of the actions that he did all that day, repent for them, and ask for compassion for them. What is the reason THAT HE MUST DO THE ACCOUNTING at that time? Because during that period, the Tree of Death prevails on the world and all the world's inhabitants get a taste of death. THEREFORE, at that time, a person must make an accounting of his deeds and confess them, since it is a time of death. And they are called 'those who do reckoning.'
34. Similarly, this is the case for whoever strives in knowledge and wisdom to know his Master. AFTER HIS DEATH, WHEN THEY WILL BYPASS HIM to look and gaze at these wicked that are being judged in Gehenom at the level "Sheol," where all scream from these levels, he will not remain there and not be among them. About this, IT IS WRITTEN: "for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol." THERE IS NO ONE THERE WHO HAS A GOOD DEED, NOR ANYONE WHO HAS DEVICE, RECKONING, OR KNOWLEDGE, NAMELY, ONE WHO STRIVES TO KNOW, BECAUSE ALL THESE ARE NOT IN "SHEOL." And he will be found higher and higher, where many lights and candles and delightful things are present. And the Holy One, blessed be He, comes to be merry with the rest of the righteous in the Garden of Eden. Praised is the lot of the Righteous in this world and the World to Come. About them, it is written: "surely the righteous shall give thanks to Your Name: the upright shall dwell in Your presence" (Tehilim 140:14).