332. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). It is a commandment to build the lower Temple similar to the Temple of above, as it is written, "In the place, Hashem, which You have made for You to dwell in" (Shemot 15:17), because it is necessary to build a Temple below, to say a prayer in it every day, and to serve the Holy One, blessed be He, because prayer is called 'service.'
333. It is necessary to build that particular synagogue with great beauty and to outfit it with all its necessities and improvements, because the synagogue below corresponds to the synagogue above.
334. The Temple below stands similar to the Temple above, for the one corresponds to the other. All the improvements and all the services and all the vessels and the accessory instruments of that Temple are all similar to above. The Tabernacle that Moses erected in the wilderness was a similar reflection of the one above.
335. The Temple that King Solomon built is a house of rest, similar to the one above in all ITS particulars, with all its supernal perfection, completed to become the house of rest and inheritance. Similarly, a synagogue must have all the accruements of beauty like the supernal one above to be a house of prayer, in which corrections are made through prayer, as has been explained.
336. And that Temple MUST have windows in it, as it is written, "and open windows" (Daniel 6:11), similar to above. Of this it is written, "He looks in at the windows; He peers through the lattice" (Shir Hashirim 2:9). If you ask whether IT IS PERMITTED TO PRAY in the field, because a spirit can ascend there, it is not so, because we need an edifice, and there is not any. It is necessary to establish an edifice below, similar to the edifice above, WHICH IS MALCHUT, to bring down the supernal dweller, WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH, to the inhabitants of below, HUMAN BEINGS.
337. Also, that prayer and that spirit should ascend and exit from the narrow strait in a straight path towards Jerusalem. About this is written, "Out of my distress (lit. 'from the narrow strait') I called upon Yah" (Tehilim 118:5). For it is necessary to have a place that is narrow and tight to cast into it that spirit, so that it should not turn to the right or to left. But in a field the voice cannot be projected to Him in this way. Similar to this is the sound of the Shofar that is projected outward in a smooth, straight way from a narrow place, and it goes and splits firmaments, and ascends upwards to stimulate the spirit of above.
338. And you may ask: Is it not written, "And Isaac went out to meditate in the field?" (Beresheet 24:63). SO WE SEE THAT PRAYING TAKES PLACE EVEN IN THE FIELD. AND HE ANSWERS, Isaac was different, for he had something else that the rest of the world did not have. HE WAS ONE OF THE PATRIARCHS. And also this verse did not come for this purpose, TO PERMIT PRAYING IN THE FIELD. For certainly, in a different field he would not have been praying, as we have already explained THAT THIS FIELD WAS THE FIELD THAT ABRAHAM HAD PURCHASED. (End of Ra'aya Meheimna).
339. We have learned that Rabbi Aba said, Blessed is the portion of those who merit to sing this song in this world and merit to say it in the World to Come. This song is composed of 22 holy engraved letters and with ten sayings, and it is all imprinted on the Holy Name, and it is all the perfection of the Holy Name. And we have made observations about these things.
340. Rabbi Shimon said, At the moment that Yisrael were standing by the sea and singing songs, the Holy One, blessed be He, appeared to them with all His Chariots and hosts, in order that they should know their King who had done for them all these miracles and mighty acts. Each and every one knew and noticed what the other prophets of the world did not know or notice.
341. For if you say that they had no knowledge and did not attain supernal Wisdom, then from this song you can see that they all beheld Wisdom, and knew those things they recited. For if not, how could they all say the same words without varying one from another? Whatever this one said, the other one said, and one word was not said before the other, but rather they all said them in the same rhythm. And the Holy Spirit was in the mouth of each and every one, and the words were all enunciated as though they were emitted from one mouth. Most certainly, they all noticed and perceived the supernal Wisdom, and were familiarized with these lofty particulars, and the Holy Spirit was in the mouth of each and every one.