57. The third chamber, CALLED NETZACH, has one spirit named Adrahinael. He is in charge of the souls of those who INTENDED repentance, but who have not REPENTED, because they died before they could repent THEIR ACTIONS. THUS, THEIR MINISTERING ANGEL IS CALLED ADRAHINAEL, FROM THE ARAMAIC WORD HADRINA, MEANING 'CONTRITION' OR 'REPENTANCE.' These souls are punished in Gehenom, and are then delivered to this spirit, who is in charge, and he receives them. They desire to enjoy their Master's precious glory, but cannot, EXCEPT ON SHABBAT AND THE NEW MOON. Those SOULS are called 'offspring of flesh', as is written: "And it shall come to pass, that on every new moon, and every Shabbat, all flesh shall come to worship before Me, said Hashem" (Yeshayah 66:23). THE REASON THESE SOULS ARE CALLED THE OFFSPRING OF FLESH IS THAT THE TEN SFIROT HAVE MANY NAMES, OF WHICH CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET ARE CALLED 'BRAIN, BONE, AND SINEW,' AND NETZACH AND HOD ARE CALLED 'FLESH AND SKIN.' THUS THE SOULS OF THE THIRD CHAMBER OF NETZACH ARE CALLED ALL FLESH, AS NETZACH IS FLESH.