165. "Let the water swarm abundantly with moving creatures that have life" (Beresheet 1:20). Rabbi Elazar said: We have already explained that the LOWER waters teemed and gave birth like the upper WATERS, MEANING THAT THE LOWER WATERS GAVE BIRTH TO WHAT THEY RECEIVED FROM ABOVE. It is said, "birds to fly over the earth." Why, he then inquired, use the word yeofef (to fly), instead of the simple yauf? (meaning what?)
166. Rabbi Shimon said: This is a secret, BECAUSE IT ALLUDES TO THE CREATION OF ANGELS. 'Bird' refers to Michael, of whom it is written: "And one of the Seraphim flew to me" (Yeshayah 6:6), "ONE OF THE SERAPHIM" REFERS TO MICHAEL. To fly (yeofef) is said about Gabriel, as it is written: "The man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the who is continuously upon the earth. beginning, approached close to me in swift flight" (Daniel 9:21). It is Elijah ELIJAH is not connected to the side of Aba and Ima because he FLIES with four wings as it is written: "And the spirit of Hashem shall carry you where I know not" (I Melachim 18:12). The "spirit of Hashem" indicates one wing, and "carry you" the second WING. "Where" the third, and "I know not" the fourth. THUS, HE FLIES WITH FOUR WINGS.
167. The words "upon the face" allude to THE CREATION OF the Angel of Death, because he darkens the face of the world. It is as written of him: "and darkness upon the face of the deep" (Beresheet 1:1). The words, "the open firmament of heaven," mean, as is written, that THE ANGEL OF DEATH goes up to heaven and accuses. HE IS THE SATAN, HE IS THE EVIL INCLINATION, HE IS THE ANGEL OF DEATH. HE IS CALLED THE ANGEL OF DEATH, BECAUSE AFTER HE ACCUSES, HE TAKES THE ACCUSED'S SOUL. IT IS THEREFORE WRITTEN OF HIM, "UPON THE FACE OF THE FIRMAMENT OF HEAVEN" (IBID. 20), BECAUSE IT IS HIS WAY TO ACCUSE IN THE FIRMAMENT OF HEAVEN. Rabbi Aba said: But the Angel of Death was created on the second day! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT "THE OPEN FIRMAMENT OF HEAVEN" IS CONNECTED TO HIS CREATION WHEN, AS WAS STATED, IT IS CONNECTED TO THE FIFTH DAY? But "above the earth" refers to the angel Raphael, who is in charge of healing the earth. Through Raphael, the earth is healed and becomes inhabitable for man. He is the healer to the powers OF THE EARTH. AND BECAUSE THE HEALING OF THE EARTH COMES FROM HIM, HIS CREATION IS INDICATED IN THE WORDS "ABOVE THE EARTH," WHILE the words "upon the face of the firmament of heaven" refer to THE CREATION OF THE ANGEL Uriel. And all THE FOUR ANGELS, THE CARRIERS OF THE CHARIOT, are ALLUDED TO in this verse.
168. The text proceeds, "And Elohim created the great crocodiles" (Beresheet 1:21). Rabbi Elazar said: Those are the seventy ministers OF THE UPPER WORLDS, in charge of the seventy nations, created for the purpose of controlling the earth. THUS THEY ARE CALLED "THE GREAT," INSTEAD OF "THAT MOVES," TO TEACH US THAT THEY WERE CREATED TO BE IN CHARGE.
169. The words: "And every living creature (Heb. Nefesh living chayah) that moves" (Beresheet 1:21) refer to THE CREATION OF THE NEFESH OF Yisrael, who are surely the Nefesh of Chayah, WHICH IS THE NUKVA OF ZEIR ANPIN. THIS IS CERTAIN, BECAUSE THE ENTIRETY OF THE WORLD OF ATZILUT IS CONSIDERED THE LIGHT OF CHAYAH. They are therefore called "one nation on the earth" (II Shmuel 7:23). THE WORDS: "which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind" (Beresheet 1:21) REFER TO those who occupy themselves with Torah. 'WATER' ALWAYS ALLUDES TO TORAH, AND WHOEVER OCCUPIES HIMSELF WITH HER, MERITS THE NEFESH OF CHAYAH. AND HE WHO DOES NOT ALWAYS OCCUPY HIMSELF WITH TORAH DOES NOT HAVE A HOLY NEFESH. THE WORDS "And every winged bird after its kind" (Beresheet 1:21) ALLUDE TO the righteous among them, AMONG THOSE WHO OCCUPY THEMSELVES WITH TORAH, and for this reason, FOR BEING RIGHTEOUS, they merit the Nefesh of Chayah. According to another interpretation, the words, "every winged bird," refer to the angels, worldly messengers, of whom we have already spoken.
170. Rabbi Aba said that the words, "living Nefesh" refer to Yisrael, because they are children of the Holy One, blessed be He, from whom their holy souls originate. HE ASKS: From where do the souls of idolatrous nations originate? Rabbi Elazar said: Their souls come from the forces of the left, which defile them. Therefore, they are all impure and convey impurity to those who come close to them.
171. "And Elohim said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures...'" (Beresheet 1:24). These words refer to the rest of the Chayot, APART FROM YISRAEL, each and every one receives according to its kind. Rabbi Elazar added, This supports our statement that "living Nefesh" refers to Yisrael, who are holy supernal living souls. The words "Cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth" (Beresheet 1:24) refer to the idolatrous nations, which are not living souls. Rather, they are, as we have said, DRAWN FROM THE FORCES OF THE LEFT, WHICH DEFILE THEM.