274. RABBI SHIMON continued the discussion saying, "And out of the ground Hashem Elohim formed every beast of the field, and every bird of the air" (Beresheet 2:19). Woe to THE PEOPLE OF the world whose hearts are closed, whose eyes are shut and who do not look into the secrets of the Torah and perceive that the "beast of the field" and the "bird of the air" allude to the ignorant. Even those who have ACHIEVED a living Nefesh, BUT HAVE NOT YET REACHED THE LEVEL OF LIVING RUACH, are of no service to the Shechinah in exile or to Moses who is with Her. For all the time that the Shechinah is in exile, Moses did not move away from Her.
275. Rabbi Elazar said: Who has connected the doings of Adam to the activities of Yisrael and Moses? IN OTHER WORDS, HE QUESTIONED THE INTERPRETATION OF HIS FATHER BY ASKING, IF THE SCRIPTURES ARE TALKING ABOUT ADAM, HOW CAN YOU APPLY THOSE FACTS TO MOSES AND YISRAEL? RABBI SHIMON replied: My son, how can you ask such a thing? Have you not learned THE MEANING OF THE PHRASE: "Declaring the end from the beginning..." (Yeshayah 46:10) - THAT IN THE BEGINNING OF CREATION THE END OF DAYS - REFERRING TO THE END OF CORRECTION - WAS IMPLICIT. RABBI ELAZAR said to him, It is indeed so - ACKNOWLEDGING HIS FATHER.
276. RABBI SHIMON CONTINUED: Accordingly, Moses did not die, AS HE WAS ALWAYS WITH THE SHECHINAH IN EXILE. And so he is called man. Of him, it is written in the final exile: "But for the man (Heb. Adam) there was not found a help" (Beresheet 2:20), as all were matched against him. So, THIS VERSE: "But for the man there was not found any help TO MATCH HIM" was said about the central pillar, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, AS THERE WAS NOBODY TO HELP MOSES to bring the Shechinah out of exile. This is why it is written: "And he looked this way and that, and (when) he saw that there was no man (Heb. Adam)..." (Shemot 2:12). As Moses is actually of his own aspect, LIKE THE CENTRAL PILLAR, it is said of him: "But for the man there was not found a help to match him." THE SAME WAS SAID OF THE CENTRAL PILLAR, AS WILL BE EXPLAINED SHORTLY.
277. At the time THAT "THERE WAS NOT FOUND ANY HELP," "Hashem Elohim caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man" (Beresheet 2:21). Yud Hei Vav Hei Elohim allude to Aba and Ima and "a deep sleep" is the exile, as it is written OF THE EXILE: "A deep sleep fell upon Abram..." (Beresheet 15:12). HERE TOO, DEEP SLEEP ALLUDES TO EXILE. He caused a deep sleep to fall upon Moses, and he slept, and sleep is an allusion to exile. In the phrase: "And He took one of his sides," from whose sides did He take? HE REPLIED: Aba and Ima took one out of one of the maidens of the Queen. She is the aspect of white AND IS DESCRIBED AS "fair as the moon." "And closed up the flesh in its place" (Beresheet 2:21) refers to the flesh OF MOSES, about whom it is said: "For that he also (Heb. beshagam) is flesh" (Beresheet 6:3), BECAUSE THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF BESHAGAM IS EQUIVALENT TO THAT OF MOSES. THEREFORE, IN THIS CONTEXT, THE TERM FLESH ALLUDES TO MOSES'S FLESH. The flesh of Moses is red, and it is said of him: The face of Moses is as the face of the sun. THIS MEANS THAT JUST AS THE COLOR OF THE SUN IS REDDISH, SO IS THE COLOR OF THE FLESH OF MOSES, AND IT IS THE ASPECT OF THE UPPER GVURAH OF IMA. This is the reason why THE VERSE IS WRITTEN: "Fair as the moon, clear as the sun" (Shir Hashirim 6:10). THE RIGHT COLUMN, WHICH IS FROM THE ASPECT OF THE MAIDEN, IS CONSIDERED THE WHITE ASPECT, AND "CLEAR AS THE SUN" IS FROM THE ASPECT OF THE LEFT COLUMN AND IS CONSIDERED THE FLESH OF MOSES.
278. Another explanation OF THE VERSE: "And closed up the flesh" is that they wanted to protect her FROM THE EXTERNAL FORCES, AS "CLOSE UP" MEANS TO PROTECT. It is written: "And Hashem shut him in (lit. 'closed up after him')" (Beresheet 7:16), BECAUSE BY THE HOLY GVURAH OF THE RED FLESH OF MOSES, THE EXTERNAL FORCES ARE MADE TO FLEE. Another explanation of the phrase: "And closed up" is THAT IT MEANS TO ACTUALLY CLOSE AND PUT WITHIN A LIMIT, AS IT IS WRITTEN: "Over against the border..." (Shemot 25:27). So a frame is established BY THE RED FLESH OF MOSES, wherein the Queen - NAMELY MALCHUT - "shall be shut for six working days" (Yechezkel 46:1), TO BE OPEN ON SHABBAT ALONE.