248. Come and see: The Holy One, blessed be He, THE SECRET OF THE ENDLESS LIGHT, produced ten Sfirot, holy lofty crowns, with which He is crowned and clothed. He is they and they are He, as a flame attached to a burning coal. There is no separation BETWEEN THE ENDLESS LIGHT, BLESSED BE HE, AND THE SFIROT THAT CLOTHE HIM. Correspondingly, there are ten Sfirot that are not holy below, held by the filth of the nails of one holy Sfirah called Chochmah, DENOTING MALCHUT CALLED THE LOWER CHOCHMAH. THE ILLUMINATING LIGHTS AT HER BACK PARTS ARE CALLED NAILS AND WITHIN THEIR REFUSE, CALLED THE FILTH OF THE NAILS, THE KLIPOT ARE ATTACHED. Therefore, they are called Chochmot (lit. 'wisdom' plural).
249. We have learned that ten types of these Chochmot, OF KLIPOT, descended to the world and all WERE GIVEN TO and became unclean in Egypt, except for one that spread THROUGHOUT THE WORLD EXCEPT EGYPT. They consisted of all types of sorcery, and from them the Egyptians knew sorcery more than the rest of mankind. When the Egyptians wished to gather kinds of sorceries for their purposes, they used to go out into the field to the high mountains and offer sacrifices. They made diggings in the ground and surrounded the diggings with blood while the rest of the blood gathered within the diggings. They placed upon it flesh. They offered the sacrifice to evil beings. And these evil beings gathered and approached together, and were appeased by them on that mountain.
250. Yisrael, who were subjugated by the Egyptians, approached them, learned from them, followed their erroneous ways, as the verse says, "After the doings of the land of Egypt, in which you dwelt, shall you not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan..." (Vayikra 18:3). It is also written, "And they shall no more offer their sacrifice to demons..." (Vayikra 17:7). We have learned that when they were offering before them upon the field and preparing the blood and offering their sacrifices, all these evil types assembled and they saw them as demons, as they were full of hair and they told them what they wanted.
251. Come and see what is written concerning Isaac, "And Jacob went near to Isaac his father; and he felt him" (Beresheet 27:22). He said: He is lacking only the dew from heaven that flowed upon the earth, MEANING THAT HE LACKS ONLY THE BOUNTY OF ZEIR ANPIN CALLED HEAVEN, THE LIGHT OF CHASSADIM, AS HE IS A CHARIOT FOR ZEIR ANPIN. BUT HE DOES NOT NEED THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH. Rabbi Yosi spoke, "And the fatness of the earth" (Ibid. 28) IS ALSO WRITTEN DENOTING THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH, and he blessed him with everything, BOTH CHASSIDIM AND CHOCHMAH. Why DID HE BLESS HIM WITH THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH? When he saw him with hair, DENOTING JUDGMENTS, he said, in order to remove this FROM HIM, he needs "the fatness of the earth" DENOTING THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH, but not the filth of the earth, LIKE THE OTHER SIDE THAT FEEDS UPON THE FILTH OF THE NAILS. This filth comes from the earth, DENOTING MALCHUT. When the dew of Heaven and the fine fruit of the earth join, DENOTING ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT, that filth passes.