250. Rabbi Yehuda began the discussion with the verse, "Fear not, you worm, Jacob, O men of Yisrael; I will help you, says Hashem, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Yisrael" (Yeshayah 41:14). Come and behold, the Holy One, blessed be He, put all the heathen nations in the world under certain ministers, as we learned, and they all follow their Elohim, as it is written, "For let all people walk each in the name of his Elohim" (Michah 4: 5). They all shed blood, wage war, rob, beat, and fornicate. They mingle with those who cause evil. Thus, their power to harm increases.
251. Yisrael have no might or power to overcome them except through their mouths, THAT IS, PRAYER, as a worm has no might or power, save in its mouth. But by its mouth, it bores through everything. Thus, Yisrael are called "worm."
252. Another EXPLANATION OF, "Fear not, you worm Jacob," is that there is no creature like the silkworm, which produces glorious garments that are the raiments of kings. After ITS SPINNING, it produces a seed and dies. Later, from that very seed it lives again. Yisrael are like this worm. Although they die, they are revived and live in the world as before.
253. It is also written, "Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Yisrael" (Yirmeyah 18:6). HE ASKS, What is this clay? HE ANSWERS, It is the material of glass. Although it may break, it is mended and may be used again. IN THE SAME MANNER, ALTHOUGH THE CHILDREN OF YISRAEL DIE, THEY ARE RESURRECTED.
254. "O men of Yisrael" is the Tree of Life, NAMELY, ZEIR ANPIN CALLED 'YISRAEL,' because Yisrael cleave to the Tree of Life. As a result, they will be endowed with life and rise from the dust to be established in the world as the one nation that will serve the Holy One, blessed be He. As it is written, "that they may all call upon the name of Hashem, to serve Him with one consent" (Tzefanyah 3:9).