97. " ...And the report (lit. 'voice') was heard in Pharaoh's house" (Beresheet 45:16). Rabbi Aba began the discussion with the verse, "My soul longs, indeed, it faints for the courts of Hashem: my heart and my flesh cry out from the living El" (Tehilim 84:3). Come and behold, When a man prays before his Master, he should first recite his daily blessings, and say his prayers at the proper times.
98. In the morning, he is to be united with the right of the Holy One, blessed be He, WHICH IS CHESED. At Minchah (the afternoon prayer) he is to be united with the left OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE. It behooves man to pray daily, so as to be united with the Holy One, blessed be He, as has already been explained. When he prays before his Master, he must not speak out loud, for whoever speaks out loud will find his prayer is not accepted.
99. Why? Because the prayer is not an audible voice (Heb. kol), nor is the audible voice a prayer. What is then a prayer? It is a different voice that is attached to the voice that is heard. What is the voice that is heard? It is Kol spelled with the letter Vav, whereas the voice attached TO THE VOICE THAT IS HEARD is kol without the letter Vav.
100. Thus, a man should never speak out loud when he prays, but pray in a whisper, in a voice unheard, WHICH IS AN ASPECT OF THE NUKVA, THE SECRET OF PRAYER. BY OUR PRAYERS WE UNITE THE STILL VOICE WITH ZEIR ANPIN, WHICH IS THE AUDIBLE VOICE. This prayer is always accepted, BECAUSE IT IS DESIROUS OF BEING UNITED WITH ZEIR ANPIN. This is learned from the words, "and the voice was heard," spelled without the letter Vav, in which the words "is heard" MEANS IT WAS ACCEPTED. This is a prayer said in a whisper, as is written of Hannah, "but her voice was not heard" (I Shmuel 1:13). This is the prayer that the Holy One, blessed be He, accepts - a prayer that is made willingly and intentionally, and is properly performed by a man concerned with the unity of his Master every day in the proper manner.
101. Rabbi Elazar said, A secret voice is the supernal voice, NAMELY, THE VOICE IN BINAH, from which all voices are derived. But a voice without the letter Vav is the prayer below, NAMELY, THE NUKVA, about to rise and be elevated to the Vav, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and be joined with him - TO RECEIVE CHASSADIM FROM HIM.
102. Come and behold, "and the voice was heard." This is the voice without the letter Vav, NAMELY, THE NUKVA WHEN SEPARATED FROM ZEIR ANPIN - the voice that weeps for the first Temple and the second Temple. It is "heard" as it is written, "A voice was heard in Rama" (Yirmeyah 31:14). HE ASKS, What is "in Rama (lit. 'on high')?" HE REPLIED, It is the Supernal World, the World to Come, BINAH. This is derived from "between Rama and Bethel" (Shoftim 4:5), which means, "from everlasting to everlasting (lit. 'from world to world')." THAT IS, FROM BINAH CALLED 'RAMA,' THE SUPERNAL WORLD, TO THE NUKVA CALLED 'BETHEL,' THE LOWER WORLD. HERE TOO, "in Rama" refers to the Supernal World, BINAH, for when it was heard in Rama, then it is written, "And on that day did Hashem Elohim Tzva'ot call to weeping, and to mourning" (Yeshayah 22:12).
103. " ...And the voice was heard high" above, AND THEN BOTH TEMPLES WERE DESTROYED. Why WERE THEY DESTROYED? Because the letter Vav was gone from THE NUKVA. THUS THEY WERE SEPARATED FROM END TO END. Then it is written, "Rachel weeping for her children; she refused to be comforted for her children because he is not" (Yirmeyah 31:14). ALL HER LIGHTS WERE STOPPED, AND BECAUSE SHE THEREFORE HAD NOTHING TO GIVE TO HER CHILDREN, THEY WENT INTO EXILE. HE ASKS, WHY DOES THE VERSE READ, "because he is not," instead of, 'they are not' - THAT IS, IN THE PLURAL. HE REPLIED, It is written, "he is not," as we explained, because her husband is not with her. If her husband, ZEIR ANPIN, had been with her, she would have been comforted for her children, HER LIGHT WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN STOPPED, and her children would not be in exile. But because "he is not" with her, she is not comforted for her children, and they were removed from her.
104. Come and behold, "in Pharaoh's house" alludes to on high, BINAH, which is the house from which the lights and candles are revealed. IT ALLUDES TO THE SFIROT OF THE NUKVA CALLED 'CANDLES.' All that was hidden, is there revealed. Therefore BINAH IS CALLED 'THE HOUSE OF PHARAOH.' The Holy One, blessed be He, then brings out all the lights and candles to shine on the voice spelled without the letter Vav, WHICH IS THE NUKVA.
105. Come and behold, When the Holy One, blessed be He, raises this voice, THE NUKVA, from the dust, it will join the Vav, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN. Then all that was lost TO YISRAEL at the time of exile will be returned to them. They will feast upon the supernal lights added to them from the Supernal World, as it is written, "And it shall come to pass on that day, that a great Shofar shall be blown, and they who were lost in the land of Ashur, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, shall come and worship Hashem in the holy mountain at Jerusalem" (Yeshayah 27:13).