98. He then quoted the verse, "I was glad when they said to me, 'Let us go into the house of Hashem'" (Tehilim 122:4). It has been explained that David said this when he set his heart on building the Temple, as it is written, "And it was in the heart of David, my father, to build a house for the name of Hashem, the Elohim of Yisrael" (I Melachim 8:17). But then it is written, "Yet you shall not build the house; but your son that shall come forth out of your loins, he shall build the house to My Name" (Ibid. 19). All Yisrael knew that and asks, When will David die so that his son Solomon can rise and build the Temple, as "our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem" (Tehilim 122:2), and we will go up to offer sacrifices?
99. For all that they used to ask, 'When will this old man die?' David was nevertheless "glad," and rejoiced on account of his son, who, it was said, would reign in his stead and carry out the building the Temple. Then he began to praise THE SHECHINAH, saying: "O Jerusalem, built as a city that is joined together" (Tehilim 122:3).
100. We learned that the Holy One, blessed be He, formed the terrestrial Jerusalem, THE NUKVA, in the image of the heavenly Jerusalem, BINAH, with each facing the other, FOR THE NUKVA IS ESTABLISHED WITH ALL THE IMPLEMENTS OF BINAH. As it is written, "In the place, Hashem, which You have made for you to dwell in" (Shemot 15:17). "Built" means that the Holy One, blessed be He, will cause Jerusalem to descend from above, completely BUILT. Therefore, HE SAYS "built." "That is joined together," as has already been explained. HE SAID, It should have been 'are joined,' IN THE PLURAL. HE ANSWERS, The mother, BINAH, joined her daughter, THE NUKVA, and they became as one. HENCE IT IS WRITTEN IN THE SINGULAR, as has been explained.
101. "There the tribes used to go up ..." (Tehilim 122:4). They sustain the world and support the lower world. And not just the lower world, but also the upper world, as it is written, "The tribes of Yah, an appointed practice (also: 'testimony') for Yisrael" - precisely, "for Yisrael." Because the children of Yisrael support the lower world, they bear testimony above IN THE UPPER WORLD. All this is to thank the Holy One, blessed be He, on all sides, as it is written, "To give thanks to the name of Hashem" (Ibid.).