Vayechi: Chapter 14

"Now the eyes of Israel were dim from age"


Rabbi Chizkiyah first explains that this language is from lower Israel, since it is not found in the Torah. Because the exiles did not follow the rules of the Torah, they became old and weak. Rabbi Chiya then says that when the exiles return to their land, God will invest them with His spirit. Rabbi Aba goes on to explain the meaning of "dim" as referring to the length of time during which the exiles lived without "light." Rabbi Aba then answers the question of why the Torah speaks in the language and names of men.


Here we are connected to the divine language of the Torah, whose letters are the bridge between the Upper and Lower Worlds. The words of the Torah are like cables that carry spiritual current from the supernal realm into the material dimension. The energy that flows between these two worlds helps us expedite the end of both our personal exile and the global one. This Light illuminates for us the importance of spiritual transformation through the path of Torah and strengthens our commitment to it.