481. All the colors are good IF THEY ARE SEEN in a dream except blue, because it is a throne, MEANING MALCHUT, for executing Judgment of the souls. HE QUESTIONS, But this level, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is white, AS YOU SAY that it receives FROM YESOD THAT IS CALLED 'THE SON OF CHUR,' WHICH MEANS WHITE, MEANING CHESED. HE ANSWERS, At the time that it stands to judge souls, BECAUSE OF THE SINS OF THE LOWER BEINGS, it has the color blue, as we have already established.
482. When the person sees this color, MEANING BLUE, he is reminded to do all the commandments of his Master as by the brass serpent. For at the moment they saw it, they feared the Holy One, blessed be He, and guarded themselves against all sins. When this fear came over them, they were immediately cured. What caused them to fear the Holy One, blessed be He? It was that serpent, that whip that they saw. Here also, about blue is written, "That you may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of Hashem" (Bemidbar 15:39), which means from the fear of Him. Therefore, there was blue in the tabernacle.
483. Rabbi Yitzchak said, This remark of my master that blue is the Throne of Judgment, and when MALCHUT has this color, it is then a throne to judge on it capital law, ACCORDING TO THIS, when is MALCHUT in Mercy? He said to him, When the Cherubs, WHICH ARE THE SECRET OF MALE AND FEMALE, turn their faces to each other and look face to face, all the colors are improved and the color blue turns into another color. The color green also turns into the color gold.
484. When the colors are changed, MALCHUT then changes from Judgment to Mercy and from Mercy to Judgment, all according to the changing of the colors. As the children of Yisrael arrange themselves before the Holy One, blessed be He, so is everything arranged, and so is it set ABOVE. Therefore, it is written, "Yisrael, in whom I will be glorified" (Yeshayah 49:3), for in these colors included one within the other IS the beauty of everything.