263. Rabbi Yehuda said, What is the meaning of that which is written, "The Elohim has made the one as well as the other" (Kohelet 7:14)? IT INSTRUCTS US THAT similar to those things that are in heaven, the Holy One, blessed be He, made on earth, AND ALL THAT THERE IS ON THE EARTH alludes to what is above IN THE SKY. For when Rabbi Aba saw a tree whose fruits were ripe and from which the birds flew, he wept and said, If people knew what they were suggesting, they would rend their clothes down to their navel, because this wisdom was forgotten by them. Even more so for the other things that the Holy One, blessed be He, has made on earth.
264. As Rabbi Yosi said, The trees from which wisdom is visible - meaning the Carob tree, Palm tree, and Ground Nut tree, WHICH IS A KIND OF NUT TREE, and those similar to them - were all grafted into one, because all these trees that produce fruit, except for apples, WHICH ARE NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD, have the same principle, WHICH ALLUDES TO TIFERET. That is, except for the paths in which they are separate, BECAUSE EVERY TREE HAS A UNIQUE PATH IN WHICH IT ILLUMINATES.
265. All these trees that do not produce fruits, all the large ones - except for the willow, which has its own secret similar to above, WHICH ARE NETZACH AND HOD - gain nourishment from one source. THEY GAIN NOURISHMENT FROM THE EXTERIOR PART, WHICH IS THE MEANING OF ANOTHER EL THAT DOES NOT PRODUCE FRUIT. And every one of the small trees except for the Hyssop, WHICH ALLUDES TO YESOD, was born of one mother, MEANING THE NUKVA.
266. All the herbs of the earth have powerful ministers appointed over them in heaven. FOR THERE IS NO PLANT ON EARTH THAT DOES NOT HAVE A STAR AND CONSTELLATION IN THE SKY THAT PRODS IT AND SAYS, GROW. Each and every one of them has a separate secret, similar to above, JUST AS THEY HAVE INDIVIDUAL APPOINTED SUPERVISORS ABOVE THEM. Therefore it is written, "You shall not sow your field with mingled seed" (Vayikra 19:19), because each one enters alone and emerges alone. FOR NO APPOINTEE MINGLES WITH ANOTHER, AND ONE WHO PLANTS MINGLED SEEDS, MINGLES THEIR AUTHORITY, ONE WITH ANOTHER. This is the meaning: "Do you know the ordinances of the heavens, can you establish His dominion in the earth" (Iyov 38:33), and, "He calls them all by names" (Yeshayah 40:26). Everything in the world has its own secret and the Holy One, blessed be He, did not want to reveal it FROM ITS PLACE and mix it WITH ANOTHER, and thus called, EACH AND EVERY ONE by name. The sons of Jacob, who are holy tribes, who maintain the world, all the more so, as it is written, "These are the names of the children of Israel" (Shemot 1:1).