678. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). The Faithful Shepherd said: Certainly the one-year-old LAMBS are named after the sun, which is Holy Ima, NAMELY, BINAH, for it is said about it: The face of Moses is as that of the sun. A year contains 365 days, THAT IS, TOGETHER WITH THE THE DAYS FROM ROSH HASHANAH TO YOM KIPPUR. This is the same number, 365, as that of the negative precepts. And this is a witness to the left, and is supernal Ima. The moon, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is on the right side, for the daughter is joined to Aba, which is Chesed, on the right side. And she, MALCHUT, is composed of the 248 positive precepts. It follows that the Vav, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, is with Ima on the left side, IN THE SECRET OF THE 365 NEGATIVE PRECEPTS, and the daughter is with Aba on the right side, which is Chesed. And the secret of the matter is in the verse: "by wisdom founded the earth" (Mishlei 3:19). Wisdom refers to Aba, NAMELY, CHOCHMAH OF THE RIGHT WHICH IS CHESED. Earth is the daughter, NAMELY, MALCHUT, AND THUS THE DAUGHTER IS JOINED WITH ABA. "BY UNDERSTANDING HE ESTABLISHED THE HEAVENS" (IBID.). "He established the heavens," which is the son, NAMELY, ZEIR ANPIN, with Ima, which is Tevunah. And this results in THE PERMUTATION OF Yud Hei Hei Vav, which is the secret of the Yud Hei Vav Heis in the middle.