17. Come and behold! It is written, "And Terach took Abraham, his son, and Lot, the son of Haran...and they left with them from Ur of the Chaldeans" (Beresheet 11:31). HE ASKS, WHY IS IT WRITTEN, "And they left with them," when it should have been written, "with him," NAMELY WITH TERACH? If, as it is written, "And Terach took..." why IS IT THEN WRITTEN, "with them?" BECAUSE Terach and Lot left with Abraham and Sarah, who desired intensely to depart from among the wicked. Only after Terach saw that Abraham his son was saved from the fire did he return to follow Abraham's wishes. As a result, Terach and Lot "left with them."
18. And, when they left "to go to the land of Canaan," it was because they desired to go there. From this we learn that whoever asks to be purified will be helped. Come and behold that this is so! Because the words, "to go to the land of Canaan," are immediately followed by the words, "Now Hashem said to Abraham, 'Get you out.'" So before his desire TO GO TO THE LAND OF CANAAN was awakened, it was not yet written, "Get you out." THEREFORE, HE WHO ASKS AND WAKES ON HIS OWN FROM BELOW IS HELPED FROM ABOVE, BECAUSE WITHOUT AWAKENING FROM BELOW THERE IS NO AWAKENING FROM ABOVE.
19. Come and see, nothing is aroused above before it is first aroused below, so that what is aroused above rests upon it. The secret is that the black flame OF THE CANDLE, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE NUKVA, does not hold onto the white flame OF THE CANDLE, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, before it is aroused. As soon as it is aroused, the white flame immediately rests upon it. THIS IS SO BECAUSE THE LOWER ONE HAS TO BE AROUSED FIRST.
20. Therefore it is written, "Do not keep silent, Elohim; do not hold your peace, and be still, El" (Tehilim 83:2), so that the white flame will never cease to exist in the world. BECAUSE ELOHIM IS THE SECRET OF THE NUKVA, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE BLACK FLAME. SO IF IT DOES NOT HOLD ITS PEACE AND REMAIN STILL, AND IF IT NEVER CEASES TO BE AWAKENED FROM BELOW, THEN THE WHITE FLAME, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, SHALL ALWAYS REST UPON IT FROM ABOVE. "You who make mention of Hashem, take no rest" (Yeshayah 62:6) so that there will always be awakening from below upon which everything from above should come and rest. Therefore, when a person first arouses the awakening from below, the awakening from above is aroused. Come and behold, it is written, "And they went out with them from Ur of the Chaldeans." Immediately, "Hashem said to Abraham..." THIS MEANS THAT HE RECEIVED HELP FROM ABOVE. THE REASON IS THAT THE LIGHT NEEDS SOMETHING CRUDE FROM BELOW TO CLING ONTO AND THIS CRUDE OBJECT OR ACTION IS ENTIRELY IN THE HANDS OF THE LOWER WORLD.