55. Rabbi Shimon commenced, saying: Despite all this, being the firstborn son, ALLUDING TO THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD, all his brothers are obligated to honor him, as it is written: "Honor your father" (Shemot 20:12). And the sages have established that the particle "Et (lit. 'the')" includes your older brother, WHOM YOU NEED TO HONOR. In every aspect it is explained in the Torah regarding you; "for that (Heb. beshagam)" (Beresheet 6:3), namely Abel, INDICATES THAT MOSES WAS THE SOUL OF ABEL. Adam had no son before him, AS CAIN IS FROM THE ASPECT OF THE SERPENT, AND ABEL FROM THE ASPECT OF ADAM. The sages established that "beshagam" is Moses, SINCE BESHAGAM HAS THE SAME NUMERICAL VALUE AS MOSES, the son to the King in every respect. You are the firstborn from the aspect of the Tree of Life of Good and Evil. You are good, as the verses state: "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good" (Beresheet 1:4); "and when she saw that he was a goodly child" (Shemot 2:2). THIS MEANS THE ANGEL METATRON IS CALLED THE 'TREE OF LIFE OF GOOD AND EVIL,' AND MOSES IS THE GOOD ASPECT THEREOF.
56. And from there, the Holy One, blessed be He, called you 'faithful servant,' SINCE SERVANT COMES FROM THE ASPECT OF METATRON. Later you were promoted to be king, as the verse states: "And he was a king in Yeshurun" (Devarim 33:5). Then you were a member of the most high household. YOU WERE a king from the aspect of Malchut of Briyah; a member of the household from the aspect of Binah of Briyah. Now you are a king from the aspect of the Tree of Malchut of Atzilut, a member of the household from the aspect of Yud-Hei, Tiferet of Atzilut. Fortunate is your lot. What brought this about for you? Your studious involvement in Torah and the precept to unify the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah, to bring the King to His post over His hosts on high and on Yisrael below.
57. Because of this, they all inherit from Him souls of Atzilut, and are thus called 'His children,' of the Name Yud Hei Vav Hei of Atzilut where there exists no division or mutilation. At first, it is mentioned about them that they are children of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His Shechinah, from the aspect of Yud Hei Vav Hei of the world of Briyah, as it is written concerning him, "EVERY ONE THAT IS CALLED BY MY NAME: for I have created him FOR MY GLORY, I have formed him; yea, I have made him" (Yeshayah 43:7), MEANING THAT HE CREATED HIM FROM THE ASPECT OF YUD HEI VAV HEI OF BRIYAH, FORMED HIM FROM YETZIRAH, AND ALSO MADE HIM FROM THE ASPECT OF ASIYAH. NOW THEY HAVE BECOME children of Yud Hei Vav Hei of Atzilut.