257. "Then again Abraham took a wife, and her name was Kturah" (Beresheet 25:1). Kturah is Hagar, for we learned that after Hagar separated from Abraham and whored after her father's idols, she repented and was associated with good deeds. For that reason, her name was changed to Kturah, which alludes to her good deeds, FOR KTURAH MEANS CONNECTED. Then Abraham sent and took her for a wife. From this, it is understood that changing a name atones for transgressions, because her name was changed TO KTURAH AFTER SHE ATONED FOR HER SINS.
258. In the phrase, "Then again Abraham", what is meant by "again (lit. 'he added')?" If you say that Abraham took another wife in addition to Sarah, this is not so. Rather, in the days of Sarah he had already mated once with Hagar and then drove her away because of the deeds of Ishmael, WHO MOCKED ISAAC. The word "again" MEANS that he TOOK her again, a second time, because she atoned for her evil deeds. As a result, her name was changed AND SHE WAS CALLED KTURAH.
259. Come and behold, Rabbi Elazar said about the verse, "And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent" (Beresheet 24:67) that the image of Sarah was revealed WITH RIVKAH'S ARRIVAL, and Isaac was comforted by the image of his mother, which he saw every day. Although Abraham married, he did not enter Sarah's house, nor did he allow that woman to enter, because a handmaid cannot be heir to her mistress. No other woman was seen in Sarah's tent except for Rivkah.
260. And although Abraham knew that Sarah's image was revealed there, he left the tent to Isaac, so he could see the image of his mother daily. Isaac, not Abraham, SAW HER IMAGE. This is the meaning of the verse, "And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac" (Beresheet 25:5). "All that he had" alludes precisely to the image of Sarah that was inside the tent, FOR HE GAVE IT TO ISAAC TO LOOK AT HER.
261. Another explanation of the verse, "And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac," IS THAT HE GAVE HIM the secret of the supernal faith, WHICH IS BINAH, so that Isaac would be attached to his appropriate grade. IF HE HAD NOT GIVEN HIM THE SECRET OF BINAH, HE WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CLEAVE TO THE LEFT COLUMN. Come and behold, Fire, WHICH IS LEFT, is here included within water, WHICH IS RIGHT. Assuredly fire took water, AS LEFT INCLUDED RIGHT WITHIN IT. This is understood from the verse, "And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac." This is water included within fire, AS ABRAHAM, WHO IS THE SECRET OF WATER, GAVE HIS ASPECT TO ISAAC, THE SECRET OF FIRE. At first, fire was included within water. When was that? When Abraham bound Isaac to execute judgement upon him, NAMELY TO SACRIFICE HIM. Then, fire was included within water. Now, water is included within fire, so that all will be in the secret of the supernal faith, WHICH IS BINAH. FOR THE TWO COLUMNS - RIGHT AND LEFT - IN BINAH WERE INCLUDED WITHIN EACH OTHER, THEN THEY REACHED PERFECTION. THEREFORE, BOTH ABRAHAM AND ISAAC, WHO ARE DRAWN FROM THE TWO COLUMNS IN BINAH, SHOULD ALSO BE INCLUDED WITHIN ONE ANOTHER. FIRST, THE LEFT WAS INCLUDED WITHIN THE RIGHT AT THE TIME OF SACRIFICE. AND NOW, WHEN ABRAHAM GAVE ALL HE HAD TO ISAAC, THE RIGHT WAS INCLUDED WITHIN THE LEFT.