25. Rabbi Yitzchak opened the discussion with the verse: "I have surely built You a house to dwell in (Heb. zvul), a settled place for You to abide in forever" (I Melachim 8:13). "...A house to dwell in..." most definitely: when all the stored treasures of the King, THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN, were assigned in the hands OF MALCHUT, and she has authority over them, she is called "a house to dwell in." There is one firmament that is called 'Zvul (Eng. 'temple'),' since its function is to receive blessings and put everything in order. That one - MALCHUT, WHEN SHE RULES OVER EVERYTHING - is ALSO called "a house to dwell in."
26. Come and behold: it is written, "and of Zebulun he said, 'Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out; and Issachar, in your tents'" (Devarim 33:18), to teach us that they participated in a mutual partnership. The one went out and made war and the other sits and is involved in learning Torah. This one gives a part FROM HIS BOUNTY to that one, and that one gives a part OF HIS TORAH STUDY to this one, SINCE ISSACHAR IS THE SECRET OF TIFERET AND ZEBULUN IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT. In Zebulun's lot was the sea. The Congregation of Yisrael, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is called the 'Sea of Galilee (Heb. Kineret).' It was worthy TO BE CALLED thus because blue comes from there, SINCE BLUE IS THE SECRET OF MALCHUT, AND THE SEA OF GALILEE IS MALCHUT. They have explained that the lower is similar to the higher. There is a Sea of Galilee above, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and a Sea of Galilee below; blue above, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and blue below. Everything pertains to one area, WHICH IS MALCHUT.
27. Because of this, Zebulun's portion was to go out and wage war, SINCE HE WAS AN ASPECT OF MALCHUT. How do we know that it is so? Because it is written: "They shall call the peoples to the mountain; there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness" (Ibid. 19). "...Sacrifices of righteousness..." most certainly, MEANING OF MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED 'RIGHTEOUSNESS.' What is the reason? ..."For they shall suck the abundance of the seas..." (Ibid.) MEANING THE ABUNDANCE THAT COMES THROUGH BATTLES. Issachar's lot is in the Torah, and he surely gives to Zebulun his share in the Torah. Therefore, they were together in a partnership, so that Zebulun should receive blessings from Issachar, since the blessing of the Torah is everyone's blessing.
28. Rabbi Aba said: The heritage of the Torah is indeed in this way, and this level is the sixth, WHICH IS YESOD, which gives the reward of the Torah and bequeaths it to the Congregation of Yisrael. It bequeaths the white, WHICH IS CHESED, to the blue, WHICH IS JUDGMENT. Thus, we have learned that when one distinguishes between blue and white FOR THE READING OF THE SH'MA, meaning that the hues shall be distinguishable, then it is considered morning. Then the white comes to the world, and the blue, WHICH IS JUDGMENT, disappears FROM THE WORLD. Therefore, all the wars of the King and all the battle gear of the King were assigned to the hands OF MALCHUT WHEN SHE WAS CONSIDERED, "A HOUSE TO DWELL IN (HEB. ZVUL)," AND ALSO ZEBULUN, AS MENTIONED ABOVE. We have already explained it.