527. "Remember the Shabbat day, to keep it holy" (Shemot 20:8). This is the secret of the Holy Covenant, WHICH IS YESOD, for in this Covenant lie all the sources of the limbs of the body, and it comprises everything. In the same manner, the Shabbat day includes all the Torah, all of its secrets originate in it. And he who keeps the Shabbat is considered as one who keeps the whole Torah.
528. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). The twenty-fourth commandment is to remember the Shabbat day, as written, "Remember the Shabbat day, to keep it holy." We have explained the secret of Shabbat in many places. It is to be remembered as the day of the world's rest, and it includes the whole Torah, and he who keeps the Shabbat is considered as one who keeps the whole Torah. We have already learned that a man who remembers the Shabbat has to sanctify it in all manners of sanctifications. He who remembers the King has to praise Him, and he who remembers the Shabbat day, has to sanctify it, as we have already learned.
529. "Remember" applies to the Male, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and "keep" applies to the Female, WHICH IS MALCHUT. The Shabbat day is the secret of the whole Faith which is suspended from the supernal head, WHICH IS KETER, to the bottom of all the grades. Shabbat is everything.
530. There are three grades and all of them are called Shabbat. These are the supernal Shabbat, WHICH IS BINAH, Shabbat day, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and Shabbat night, WHICH IS MALCHUT. All of them are called Shabbat, and when the time comes for one of them to rule, all the others are invited to rule with it. And when it is manifested in the world, all come to be with it.
531. When the time of SHABBAT night comes, it invites the Shabbat day to its palace, and they are both hidden. Once it comes, the supernal Shabbat is drawn over it, and all of them are concealed in the palace of the SHABBAT night. Therefore, the meal on SHABBAT night is as significant as the one during the Shabbat day.
532. When the time of SHABBAT day comes, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, it invites the other two, the supernal and the lower grades - the one which illuminates, NAMELY BINAH, and the one which is illuminated from it, NAMELY MALCHUT. All these three grades together are called 'Shabbat' and rule on the day of Shabbat, and they include and are the secrets of the whole Torah: The Law, the Prophets and The Writings. And he who keeps the Shabbat keeps the whole Torah.