Vayechi: Chapter 46

"The King's strength also loves judgment"


Rabbi Yosi explains that the title verse refers to God and the power by which He strengthened the realm of Malchut. This power was derived through judgment. Malchut, and therefore the Congregation of Yisrael, was established through judgment - that is, the Mochin that includes Chochmah and Chassadim together.


Spiritual balance between mercy and judgment is created within our souls and the world around us by virtue of the spiritual energy bottled up within the mystical words of this ancient text. Balance is critical if we are to live a life of fulfillment. For instance, if the scales are tipped towards the side of judgment, we'll find the world extra hard on us. The objective of this passage is to balance our ability to extend mercy and judgment to others so that we receive the same compassionate blend of judgment and mercy from the world.