157. The offering of the letters, NAMELY THE UNION OF THE LETTERS OF THE NAME, is Yud in a man and Hei in a woman, THE SECRET OF ABA AND IMA. Vav is in a son, the groom, THE SECRET OF ZEIR ANPIN, and Hei in the daughter, the bride, THE SECRET OF MALCHUT. Happy is he who unites and draws near the letters of Yud Hei Vav Hei - in him and his wife, CONFORMING TO YUD-HEI, and in his son and daughter, CONFORMING TO VAV-HEI - in holiness, with blessings, purity, modesty, humility and all the good qualities mentioned by the sages of the Mishnah.
158. They warm themselves by the holy fires of man and woman, THE SECRET OF YUD-HEI, a fire going up and going down - AS THE FIRE OF THE FEMALE GOES FROM BELOW UPWARDS, AND THE FIRE OF THE MALE GOES FROM ABOVE DOWNWARDS. The holy fire of the arranged woods, which are the holy trees, the holy limbs and the fire going down from above, the Holy of Holies. It is due to these two fires that the prophet said: "Wherefore glorify Hashem in the regions of light" (Yeshayah 24:15). They are the fires of the Shechinah, of which it is written: "For Hashem your Elohim is a consuming fire" (Devarim 4:24).
159. THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD EXPLAINS HIS WORDS, SAYING: THESE TWO FIRES are a supernal fire, called the Throne of Mercy and a lower fire, dubbed the throne of Judgment. They are Binah THE SECRET OF MERCY and Malchut THE SECRET OF JUDGMENT. Malchut is a fire going up FROM BELOW UPWARDS, and Binah is a fire going down, FROM ABOVE DOWNWARD. Yud Hei Vav Hei is the Central Column, TIFERET, attached to them both. THEREFORE, THE UPPER FIRE IS THE SECRET OF Yud-Hei- Vav, YUD-HEI BEING THE SECRET OF BINAH AND THE VAV THE SECRET OF THE TIFERET, WHICH CLEAVES TO HER. THE LOWER FIRE IS THE SECRET OF THE LAST Hei, Malchut.
160. When Tiferet cleaves to them both, THE TWO FIRES BINAH AND MALCHUT, Chochmah rests upon it. In Chochmah, we find the Hebrew pair of letters Caf-Chet, and Mem-Hei. Mem-Hei (= 45) is Yud-Vav-Dalet, Hei- Aleph, Vav-Aleph-Vav, Hei- Aleph, THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF WHICH IS 45. Caf-Chet (= 28) IS THE SECRET OF THE FULLY WRITTEN YUD HEI VAV HEI WITH ALEPH'S, FULLY SPELLED. THUS: Yud-Vav Dalet, Vav- Aleph-Vav, Hei-Aleph. Aleph-Lamed-Pe, Vav-Aleph Vav, Aleph -Lamed-Pe, Vav-Aleph-Vav, Hei-Aleph, Aleph-Lamed-Pe. TOGETHER WITH THE FOUR SIMPLE LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, NOT FULLY SPELLED, THEY ARE 42, NAMELY THE FOUR SIMPLE LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI WITHOUT FILLING, THE TEN LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI FULLY SPELLED, AND THE 28 LETTERS OF THE FULLY SPELLED NAME THEMSELVES SPELLED OUT. All of the 42 letters are in a man, his wife and children, THE SECRET OF THE FOUR LETTERS OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, WHICH TOGETHER WITH THE SECRET OF FULL SPELLING AND THE FULLY SPELLED NAME ARE 42 LETTERS. Man is therefore not complete, save when he has a son and a daughter.
161. End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepered). Yud OF YUD HEI VAV HEI is gone from he who has not a son, who is Vav OF YUD HEI VAV HEI. Gone from he who does not have a daughter is the last Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, the supernal HEI OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, the mother of his mate, since the letters do not remain the one without the other. For this reason, the rests upon a man and a woman with and a son and daughter Yud Hei Vav Hei who were properly conceived. They are called: "You are children of Hashem your Elohim" (Devarim 14:1).