664. He opened the discussion saying, "Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains... " (Shemot 26:1). Here is the mystery of union, BECAUSE THE TEN CURTAINS CORRESPOND TO THE TEN SFIROT. The perfection of the Tabernacle is made of numerous grades, as it is written, "That the Tabernacle shall be one" (Ibid. 6), in order to show that all the limbs of the body of the Tabernacle are the secret of one body.
665. SIMILAR in a person that has many limbs, some superior and some lower ones, some are internal and others are visible externally, but they are all called 'one body.' And he is considered 'one person with one connection.' So it is with the tabernacle that all the limbs are similar to the above, and when they are all connected as one, it is written, "that the Tabernacle shall be one."
666. The precepts of the Torah are all parts and limbs by a supernal secret, and when they all connect and become one, they all amount to be one place. The secret of the Tabernacle is that it is limbs and organs that all amount to the secret of man, like the precepts of the Torah because the precepts of the Torah are all in the secret of man, WHICH MEANS male and female, WHICH ARE ZEIR ANPIN AND NUKVA. When they join together, they are one in the secret of man, WHO IS THE SECRET OF YUD HEI VAV HEI SPELLED FULLY WITH ALEPH'S, WHICH IS THE NUMERICAL VALUE OF 'ADAM.' Someone who diminishes even one precept in the Torah, it is as though he has diminished the image of the Faith, WHICH IS MALCHUT, for all the limbs are together in the secret of man. Therefore, everything amounts to the secret of unity.
667. Therefore, the children of Yisrael are all one nation, for it is written about them, "But you My flock, the flock of My pasture, are men (lit. 'man')" (Yechezkel 34:31) and "And what one nation in the earth is like Your people" (II Shmuel 7:23).