62. "When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a swelling, a scab, or bright spot..." (Vayikra 13:2). Rabbi Yehuda opened by saying, "Do not gaze upon me, because I am black (lit. 'blackish'), because the sun has scorched me" (Shir Hashirim 1:6). We have studied this verse, yet when the moon, WHICH IS MALCHUT, is concealed in exile, she says, "Do not gaze upon me." It is not that she orders not to look on her, but when she sees the yearning of Yisrael towards her, to behold her light, she says, "Do not gaze upon me," WHICH MEANS you cannot see me. "Do not gaze upon me" surely, because I am black, since I am in darkness.
63. HE ASKS, Why does it say "blackish" when it should have said 'black?' HE ANSWERS, There are two kinds of darkness. One is that the sun has scorched me, WHICH MEANS the sun, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, has gone away from me, and the other is that "my mother's children were angry with me; they made me the keeper of the vineyards" (Ibid.).
64. HE WONDERS WHY IT SAYS, "Because the sun has scorched me (Heb. sheshezaftani)," yet it should have said, 'The sun scorched me (Heb. shezaftani).' HE ANSWERS, There is an allusion to six here, SINCE 'SHESHEZAFTANI' IS COMPOSED OF SHESH (ENG. 'SIX') ZAFTANI. For when the sun, ZEIR ANPIN, shines, it does so with six lights, NAMELY THE SIX SFIROT, CHESED, GVURAH, TIFERET, NETZACH, HOD AND YESOD. When it is gone, all these six lights are gone. "My mother's children" are all those coming from the aspect of harsh Judgment TO PUNISH FOR SINS. They "were angry (Heb. nicharu) with me" as in, "my throat is dried (Heb. nichar)" (Tehilim 69:4). This is what is meant by, "We are pursued to our necks" (Eichah 5:5), for when Yisrael reached exile, their hands were tied behind their backs and there was a millstone around their necks, so they could not speak. This is the meaning of, "were angry with me."
65. "they made me the keeper of the vineyards," NAMELY, to go into exile and keep the other nations for the sake of Yisrael WHO ARE AMONG THEM IN EXILE. "but my own vineyard I have not kept" (Shir Hashirim 1:6), because I cannot keep them as before. At first, I kept my own vineyard, NAMELY YISRAEL, and through it the other vineyards were kept, WHICH ARE THE OTHER NATIONS. Now I keep the other vineyards for the sake of my own vineyard, so it shall be kept among them.