154. This applies to the Holy Land and all the more so to other lands, where the spirit of impurity is more prevalent IN THOSE HOUSES and people might come to harm FROM IT. Rabbi Elazar said, Moreover, THE SPIRIT OF IMPURITY THAT IS THERE calls to its other friends and Klipot to be there. Even knocking on vessels, WHICH WAS DONE TO EXORCISE SPIRITS AND DEMONS FROM A PLACE does not remove THE DEMONS from that house. For that reason scripture says, "Woe to him that builds his house by unrighteousness" (Yirmeyah 22:13). THE DWELLERS in this house surely recite THIS VERSE daily.
155. One day Rabbi Yosi entered a certain house. He reached the threshold, COMPOSED HIMSELF, and entered into the house. He heard a voice saying, Gather round, here is one of our dissenters. Let us take him and harm him before he leaves. They said to it, We cannot HARM HIM unless he lived here. Rabbi Yosi went out in fear. He said, surely whoever transgresses the words of the friends risks his life.
156. Rabbi Chiya said to him, But idol worshippers and other people live in that house, yet they are well, UNHARMED. He said to him, They come from their side AND ARE THEREFORE NOT HARMED BY THEM. But whoever fears sin might come to harm. Even they, if they continue to live in it, do not leave in peace. He said to him, Yet it is written, "Their houses are safe without fear" (Iyov 21:9). He said to him, This means THE HOUSE came from another who built it in righteousness, AND THE WICKED TOOK IT AND DWELT IN IT. The verse is as follows, "Their houses are safe without fear," BECAUSE THEY WERE BUILT ON RIGHTEOUSNESS, THEN the rod of Eloha is not upon them.