233. Another explanation of, "And these are the names of the children of Israel" (Shemot 1:1). HE WAS PRESENTED WITH THIS DIFFICULTY, YISRAEL IS THE NAME OF GREATNESS, AND SO WHY IS THIS NAME MENTIONED WHEN THEY CAME TO THE EXILE IN EGYPT? AND WHY DOES HE REPEAT AFTERWARDS "WITH JACOB," WHICH IS THE NAME OF SMALLNESS? AND TO ANSWER THIS, Rabbi Yehuda opened the discussion saying: "I am black, but comely..." (Shir Hashirim 1:5). "I am black, but comely," refers to the Congregation of Yisrael, THAT IS, THE SHECHINAH that is black from the exile, "but comely" with Torah, commandments and good deeds THAT YISRAEL DO. "O, daughters of Jerusalem;" THESE ARE THE SOULS, WHO ARE OCCUPIED WITH TORAH AND THE PRECEPTS. Therefore, they merit inheriting the celestial Jerusalem, WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH. "Like the tents of Kedar" (Ibid.) - although she is blackened (Heb. koderet) in exile, STILL IN ALL in actions she is "like the curtains of Solomon" (Heb. Shlomo), MEANING like the curtains, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE LIGHTS of the King, to Whom peace (Heb. shalom) belongs, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN.