938. "And Hashem Elohim formed man of the dust of the ground" (Beresheet 2:7), of dust, not of clay. He is dust and to dust shall he return, as it is written, "for dust you are, and to dust shall you return" (Beresheet 3:19). After he sinned, it is said of the serpent, "and dust shall you eat all the days of your life" (Beresheet 2:14). This dust is man, of whom it is written, "for dust you are." Therefore it is written, "dust," not earth or clay, and "dust shall be the serpent's food" (Yeshayah 65:25).
939. Until the Holy One, blessed be He, will arouse, and put away the spirit of defilement from the world, as it is written, "He will destroy death forever" (Yeshayah 25:8). And the dust will be resurrected, and will be roused to rejoice in the world, as it is written, "awake and sing, you that dwell in dust..." (Yeshayah 26:19).
940. It is written, "the serpent was craftier than all the beasts of the field" (Beresheet 3:1), we already explained this verse. Nevertheless, that which rode ON THE SERPENT gave it power to rule, seduce and deviate from the path. He, WHICH RIDES UPON IT, is the secret of the male side OF THE SERPENT, for the male rules over the female and gives her power. The sun and moon, MALE AND FEMALE, officiate as one, and never separate. SO, darkness and somberness officiate together; he, THE MALE SERPENT is darkness, and she, THE FEMALE IS somber, as it is written, "and there was a thick darkness" (Shemot 10:22), darkness and mist. There is MALE darkness and FEMALE darkness.