301. He opened the discussion with the verse: "and she said to the servant, 'What man is this that walks in the field to meet us?' And the servant said..." (Beresheet 24:65). In the preceding verse it is written, "And Rivkah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she alighted from the camel" (Ibid. 64). HE ASKS: Why is this verse in the Torah, and is it because she saw the beauty of Isaac that she alighted from the camel?
302. HE RESPONDS: This verse contains a mystery. Come and see: When Rivkah met Isaac, it was Minchah time, and at that time, a strict Judgment bestirs itself in the world. She saw the rigor of harsh Judgment, and that its lower part ends in a camel. This is the secret of death. Hence she alighted from the camel, for when harsh Judgment is watching, that camel is strengthened. That is why she slipped off and did not remain seated.
303. Come and see: This camel (Heb. gamal) is the secret of the verse, "and that which he has given (Heb. gmulo) He will pay him back" (Mishlei 19:17), FOR GAMAL (ENG. 'CAMEL') IS SIMILAR TO GMUL (ENG. 'REQUITAL'), WHICH REFERS TO the requital to the wicked, as said, "Alas! It shall be ill with the wicked, for according to the deserving (Heb. gmul) of his hands shall be done to him" (Yeshayah 3:11). This is a camel: all-devouring and all-exterminating, always ready against men. Therefore, whoever sees a camel in his dream, he is shown that death was decreed upon him, but he was saved.
304. Come and see: The side of defilement is called 'CAMEL', because it brought death to the whole world, and instigated Adam and his wife TO THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL. His rider is Samael, come to confuse the world and cause death to all. Hence, he became ruler over everything. It was Adam, who drew him, and once he did, he was drawn after them, until he led them astray. For that reason Solomon said: "and come not nigh the door of her house" (Mishlei 5:8), for whoever approaches her house, she comes out and attaches herself and is drawn to him.
305. Therefore, Rivkah saw ISAAC, with strict Judgment attached to him, and when she saw that he is in the secret of harsh Judgment, and that from that side another harsh Judgment comes from the dross of gold, she immediately "alighted from the camel" to break from the Judgment of that dross. It is written, "the voice of Hashem rendering recompense to His enemies" (Yeshayah 66:6), NAMELY, from that filth.