3. Rabbi Yosi opened the discussion with the verse: "Oh how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have performed for those who trust in You in the sight of the sons of men!" (Tehilim 31:20). "Oh how great is Your goodness" MEANS how much should people observe and know the ways of the Holy One, blessed be He, for every day a voice resounds and proclaims, saying, 'Beware you people, close the doors of sins, stay away from the net that captures PEOPLE, before your legs are caught in the net.' There is a wheel constantly turning in the world, THE SUPERNAL JUDGMENT. It goes up and down, LIFTS UP AND BRINGS DOWN PEOPLE. Woe to those whose legs are pushed from the wheel, for they fall into a pit kept for the wicked people of the world.
4. Woe to those who fall INTO THAT SAID PIT, for they will never rise nor be illuminated by the light stored up for the righteous in the World to Come. Happy are the righteous in the World to Come, for many lights are stored up AND KEPT for them, many delights of that world are laid up for them as it is said, "Oh how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You." We already explained that, "Oh how great is Your goodness," refers to the light stored up for the righteous in the World to Come, as it is written, "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good" (Beresheet 1:4), and - "light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart" (Tehilim 97:11), "SOWN" MEANING STORED UP. Upon this IT IS WRITTEN, "Oh how great is Your goodness."
5. It is written here, "Oh how great is Your goodness," and elsewhere, "And Elohim saw the light, that it was good." AS IT IS SAID, THERE UPON THE LIGHT THAT IT IS GOOD, SO HERE "YOUR GOODNESS" MEANS 'YOUR LIGHT'. "Which You have laid up," MEANS that when the Holy One, blessed be He looked at the light, He also looked at the wicked destined to commit sins in the world, and so He stored up that light to grant it to the righteous in the World to Come, as we learned.
6. It is said, "You have performed for those who trust in You." HE ASKS: Why IS IT SAID first "laid up" and then "performed"? HE ANSWERS THAT "laid up" MEANS, as we said, STORED FOR THE RIGHTEOUS. "Performed" MEANS THAT by that stored light, the Holy One, blessed be He performed the workmanship of the world. We know this from the verse, "These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth when they were created" (Beresheet 2:4). It is written, 'Abraham', BECAUSE THE LETTERS OF "WHEN THEY WERE CREATED (HEB. BEHIBAR'AM)" ARE THE SAME LETTERS AS 'BY ABRAHAM' (HEB. BEABRAHAM). For the light of Abraham, WHICH IS CHESED, is stored up by the Holy One, blessed be He, who, by using it, performed the building of the world, as it is written - "You have performed for those who trust in You," NAMELY, for those who sit under the shade of the Holy One, blessed be He, WHO TAKE REFUGE IN HIS SHADE.
7. "...In the sight of the sons of men": THE MEANING OF THIS IS that this construction, done by that light, sustains people in the world and is their existence. And though the light is stored up, people live by it in this world. "Performed" refers to the building of this world according to an orderly plan. The building of the world is like the building of the Tabernacle, that was constructed in the same manner as the world, as we explained.
8. It is written here, "These are the accounts of the Tabernacle" (Shemot 38:21), and elsewhere, "These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth." THIS INDICATES THAT THE ACTIONS ARE THE SAME IN BOTH CASES, for all the generations produced by the heaven and earth were formed and came out by the power of the stored light, and also the accounts of the Tabernacle came out by that power OF THE STORED LIGHT. From where do we know that? From the verse, "And Betzalel the son of Uri, the son of Chur, of the tribe of Judah" (Shemot 38:22), of the right side, WHICH IS ABRAHAM, THE STORED LIGHT AS SAID, and with him Aholiav, of the left side, and the Tabernacle, WHICH IS MALCHUT, was founded by Right and Left. And Moses, who was between them, THE SECRET OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN, founded it.