14. We have learned from Tz'niuta Desifra (the hidden book) about the most ancient among the ancient, the most concealed of concealed, the most hidden of the hidden, who in his Corrections (formations) was corrected and came, like the oldest among the old, most ancient of the ancients, the most hidden of the hidden, who in his constructions is known yet unknown. He is dressed in white and has a radiant WHITE countenance. HE resides on the throne of fiery sparks, in order to subdue them.
15. Throughout 400,000 worlds, the whiteness of the skull in the head, ARICH ANPIN, spreads. The illuminating light of this whiteness is the legacy of the righteous in the World to Come, consisting of four hundred worlds. This is what is written: "four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant" (Beresheet 23:16).