255. Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Yitzchak were walking together when the time arrived for reciting the Sh'ma. Rabbi Elazar stood up, recited the Sh'ma, and said his prayers. Afterwards, Rabbi Yitzchak said to him: We learned that a man should, before going on his way, obtain permission from his Master and say his prayers.
256. He replies, When I started it was not yet time for prayer or for reading the Sh'ma. Now that the sun has risen, I prayed. Still, before I left I beseeched Him and asks for His counsel, although I had not yet recited the MORNING service.
257. I have been delving into the Torah since midnight. When morning broke, it was not yet time to pray, because during the darkness of early morning, the wife and husband converse and are in the secret of union as one. Then, she retires to her abode with her maids, who sit with her THERE. Thus, a man must not interrupt them with another matter, when they are united as one.
258. Now that the sun is shining, the time for prayer has come, as has been explained in connection with the verse, "May they fear with the sun" (Tehilim 72:5). The words "with the sun" MEAN to keep with us the light of the sun IN ORDER to shine on THE NUKVA, WHICH IS CALLED 'FEAR.' For fear, THE NUKVA, should be UNITED with the sun, ZEIR ANPIN, and not separated. As long as there is no daylight, fear is not with the sun. THEREFORE, WHEN THE SUN SHINES, we should unite them. This is the meaning of the verse, ."..with the sun."