61. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "Hear, O Yisrael, Hashem our Elohim; Hashem is one" (Devarim 6:4). The commandment is to declare the unity of the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, below; for as the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, is unified below, so it is unified above. Thus the Holy One, blessed be He, is one and only above and below. Whoever declares the unity of the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, should direct his attention and will to the meditation (lit. 'unification') we mentioned, NAMELY UNITE HIS NAME BELOW, and connect all His limbs, NAMELY THE SFIROT by means of the meditation so that they will all become one. For as one arranges all the limbs OF THE NAME according to a mystery below, so one connects all the supernal limbs by means of that meditation so they will all become one.
62. When man is about to unite the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, all the hosts of heaven stand in rows so as to be established and reach perfection by means of that meditation, to be founded by one mystery and meditation. They are all properly established BY THAT MEDITATION. At that time, there is a minister and officer situated under 248 worlds, all called body parts. This OFFICER is called Halanu, and stands awaiting that unification. He is the gatherer of lilies, as it is written, "to gather lilies" (Shir Hashirim 6:2), which are the body parts.
63. The Supernal Name gathers the supernal body parts according to the meditation that is unified by means of the 42 names. It gathers all those supernal lilies. This officer gathers all the lower, which are all ministers, into 72 names. They are all gathered by that meditation and all become one body, according to the same mystery. That meditation rises and unites everything in the two sides into one unity. At that time all body parts are gathered and connected into one, so they will all be according to the same meaning above and below, according to the secret of, "Hashem shall be one, and His name One" (Zecharyah 14:9).
64. For that reason in the word 'Echad (Eng. 'one')' the pronunciation of two letters Chet and Dalet is lengthened, to gather lilies so as to be united by means of the same mystery by the complete meditation. Once all body parts are united according to the same secret of the same meditation, everything is considered a peace (or: 'whole') offering. For that secret reason the Holy One, blessed be He, entered Adam into the Garden of Eden, as it is written, "to till it and to keep it" (Beresheet 2:15). We learned that these are the two offerings, according to the secret of, "Hashem shall be one, and His name One." For in reference to these offerings it is written, "to gather lilies." These are the body parts of the two sides that are one.
65. The lilies are a mystery. When these body parts are connected together so as to be all one by means of one meditation according to the secret of the offering, the Holy One, blessed be He, is adorned with a crown of fine gold, so as to be adorned with His honor. This is the meaning behind the word lilies, which are the secret of all the body parts above and below. The secret of that gold is that it is a crown that is adorned and rises from among them. There is everything in them, IN THE LILIES.
66. There are 613 commandments in these lilies, which are the body parts of the two sides, according to the secret of, "Hashem shall be one, and His name One." Among them is the ascent of that gold that rises from among them. Wherever they are, THAT IS, THE UNIFICATION OF THE BODY PARTS OF BOTH SIDES, that supernal ascent of THE CROWN OF gold rises from among them. This is the secret of "the apple tree among the trees of the wood" (Shir Hashirim 2:3), and, "the lily among thorns" (Ibid. 2), as both the one and the other should rise as one by the complete meditation. Happy is he who sacrifices these offerings, NAMELY, PERFORMS THESE MEDITATIONS. Surely, it is favorable to him both in this world and the World to Come.