881. Rabbi Elazar opened the discussion saying, "Haleluyah. I will praise Hashem with my whole heart" (Tehilim 111:1). "Haleluyah (lit. 'praise Yah'):" We have learned this and the friends remarked about it. So it is, for this is a praise that transcends all the songs and praises that David said, among the ten various praises he said, Because it includes the Name YAH (YUD-HEI), and the praise 'HALLELU' (LIT. 'PRAISE') together. This is the entirety of the Holy Supernal Name YUD HEI VAV HEI, BECAUSE THE NAME YUD-HEI IS THE WHOLE OF THE NAME YUD HEI VAV HEI.
882. "I will praise Hashem with my whole heart." Wherever King David mentioned the secret of the alphabet, MEANING WHEN HE ARRANGED THE BEGINNING OF THE SENTENCES IN THE ORDER OF THE ALEPHBET, it is the secret of the engraved letters that emanate in the engravings of the 32 paths, NAMELY THE 32 PATHS OF CHOCHMAH. There are supernal letters from the secret of the Supernal World, WHICH IS BINAH, and there are other letters which are small letters, WHICH ARE FROM MALCHUT. Here is the secret of the alphabet of the lower world, WHICH IS MALCHUT.
883. "I will praise Hashem with my whole heart," meaning with the Good Inclination and Evil Inclination that dwell in him. We must thank the Holy One, blessed be He, for everything, both with the Good Inclination and the Evil Inclination. Good comes for the person from the side of the Good Inclination, and it behooves us to bless the Holy One, blessed be He, with the blessing of 'who is good and does good.' From the side of evil come accusations against the person, and it behooves one to thank the Holy One, blessed be He, for everything that may come unto a person from either side.
884. "In the assembly of the upright, and in the congregation" (Ibid.): "In the assembly (lit. 'secret') of the upright" refers to those who know the secret of the Holy One, blessed be He, as they know all the secrets of the Holy One, blessed be He, as they are His secret IN GENERAL. Referring to this, HE SAYS, "in the secret of the upright." "The congregation" is the children of Yisrael when they gather in a group of ten to thank the Holy One, blessed be He. Therefore, we should give thanks to the Holy One, blessed be He, for good and for evil and publicize it before everyone. If you ask, THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, knows, so why is it necessary to publicize? The Holy One, blessed be He, is glorified in the world by this PUBLICIZING. THEREFORE, WE SHOULD publicize the miracle and THEREFORE, it is written of the Holy One, blessed be He, "Thus will I magnify Myself and sanctify Myself... " (Yechezkel 38:23).