680. Rabbi Yosi, Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Chiya were traveling on the road and Rabbi Elazar met them. As soon as they saw him, they all got off their donkeys. Rabbi Elazar said, For certain, I see the face of the Shechinah. When one sees the righteous or the pious of the generation and meets them, certainly they represent the face of Shechinah. Why are they called 'the face of Shechinah?' It is because the Shechinah hides within them. THE SHECHINAH is concealed in them, but they are visible. Therefore, those who are close to Her are called 'Her face.' Who are those THAT ARE CLOSE TO HER? They are those with whom She prepares to appear before the supernal King, ZEIR ANPIN, MEANING WHO ELEVATE MAYIN NUKVIN (FEMALE WATERS) TO UNITE THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, WITH HIS SHECHINAH. Now that you are here, certainly the Shechinah is positioned over you, and you are Her face.