70. Rabbi Elazar opened the discussion, saying: "Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow (Heb. dror) a nest for herself, where she may lay her young. Your altars..." (Tehilim 84:4). "Even the sparrow has found a home": these are the birds of the sky. Some of them nest outside and some of them nest in an abode, THE DWELLING PLACE OF A MAN, like the swallow (Heb. dror) that is a bird that places its nest in the home of any man and has no fear. Why? Because everyone calls it 'dror'. What is dror? It is freedom, as it is written: "And proclaim liberty (Heb. dror)" (Vayikra 25:10) in its Aramaic translation, freedom. Such is the swallow, from the day it nests in the house and has young, it lives (Heb. dar) in the house fifty days, and then they separate from each other. This is the bird that is called 'dror', WHICH MEANS freedom, WHICH ALLUDES TO BINAH AND MALCHUT IS CALLED SPARROW.
71. Come and behold: it is written, "And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land" (Vayikra 25:10). THE FIFTIETH YEAR IS BINAH, for from here freedom emerges to everyone. Because freedom emerges from it, the Torah that emerges FROM BINAH is called 'freedom' (Heb. cherut). Therefore, it is written: "engraved (Heb. charut) on the tablets" (Shemot 32:16). Do not pronounce it 'charut', but rather "cherut," for this is the Torah that is called 'freedom', because whatever this supernal day, WHICH IS BINAH, brings forth is called 'freedom' and it is freedom for all. That day is supernal freedom, because there is upper freedom and lower freedom, MEANING upper Hei, WHICH IS BINAH, and lower Hei, WHICH IS MALCHUT. Upper freedom and lower freedom, which are Sabbatical year, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and Jubilee, WHICH IS BINAH, are as one, MEANING THAT THEY CLOTHE EACH OTHER. AND THEN BINAH IS CALLED 'UPPER FREEDOM' AND MALCHUT 'LOWER FREEDOM'.