187. THEY SAID TO HIM, The head of the Yeshivah opened the discussion saying, "Now Hashem said to Abram, 'Get you out of your country...'" (Beresheet 12:1). That is because the light shone to him in this manner, MEANING THAT THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE, TOLD HIM, "GET YOU OUT..." BECAUSE HE COULD NOT GET THE LIGHT IN ANOTHER MANNER, JUST IN THIS MANNER. Since he has no merit in this place, let him go and take himself to another place, and merit it there. If a piece of wood is lit and yet the light does not catch on and illuminate in it, let them shake it until the fire catches on and it shines. THE EMISSARIES said, We had been prepared to hear THE CONTINUATION OF THE TEACHINGS FROM THE HEAD OF THE YESHIVAH. However, since we have to come to you, we did not wish to tarry. Rabbi Shimon was glad.
188. They said to him, Oh, holy pious one. All our matters in the Torah are short and to the point, MEANING THEY WERE SAID IN VERY CONCISE FORM. How great and supernal are these succinct teachings, so as to be immeasurable, since we have no doubts but only wish to establish the clarity of the Torah. Now the head of the Yeshivah explained matters that are concealed over this, about the essence of the soul and why it does not shine in this place but is worthy to shine in a different place. Until now, we have not been worthy of it, because WE HAD TO come to you.
189. We deserved to hear another thing from him. A spirit that goes naked in the world without children, his wife becomes a vessel, so he could be built up THROUGH LEVIRATE MARRIAGE. What is the reason for this? It is because his wife is like a candle that is lit from him and both were one candle, the one light coming out from this light. When this one is extinguished, MEANING HE DIED WITHOUT LEAVING ANY CHILDREN, it is lighted from the very light of his WIFE, since they were one light.
190. Now, Rabbi, let's get back to OUR first points. When we return to our place, we will receive permission from the head of the Yeshivah about the information that we received from him, and we will tell you. Praised is your lot that you deserved the concealed lights from all directions, from above and from below, from this world and from another world. Rabbi Shimon said, I wish to find out one thing if you could inform me: if women in that world get the opportunity to ascend higher, or in what state they are there. He said to him, Oh, Rabbi. Oh, Rabbi. We have a precious secret about this. However, we are unable to reveal the hidden things of that place, but let this one go and get permission and we will tell you. Meanwhile, one flew off, disappeared from them and went away.