153. "But with you will I establish My covenant" (Beresheet 6:18). Rabbi Elazar said that from this we learn that the establishment of the covenant above is equivalent to the establishment of that below. This is concluded from the term, "with you." Rabbi Elazar continued to say that from this we learn that when there are righteous in the world, the worlds above and below are firmly established.
154. Rabbi Shimon said that this is a hidden matter, because the arousal of the male to the female happens when he feels jealousy toward her. Come and behold: When there is a righteous person in the world, the Shechinah immediately attaches Herself to him and never leaves him. And She therefore desires him. The upper desire is then aroused toward Her with love that is similar to the desire of a man for a woman when he feels jealousy toward her. That is why it is written: "But with you will I establish My covenant." THIS MEANS THAT My desire is aroused because of you. The verse, "My covenant will I establish with Isaac" (Beresheet 17:21), has a similar meaning THAT IT IS BECAUSE OF ISAAC, AS BY NOAH.
155. "But with you will I establish My Covenant," MEANS THAT you shall be My Covenant in the world. And after that, "you shall come into the ark." Because had he not been righteous, he would not have entered the ark, as only a righteous man may be connected with the ark. That is why it is written, "you shall come into the ark," AFTER IT HAS BEEN STATED THAT "WITH YOU WILL I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT."
156. Rabbi Elazar said that as long as people hold on to the covenant, no nation nor tongue in the world can harm them. And because Noah kept and protected the Covenant, the Holy One, blessed be He, protected him. But the rest of his generation did not observe the covenant, so the Holy One, blessed be He, removed them from the world. And it has been said that in the same way that they sinned, they were also erased from the world.