382. We have already learned the reason why the name Abraham first occurs only now. We explained that he was not called Abraham until he was circumcised, because that is when he became attached to the letter Hei, WHICH IS THE SHECHINAH, and the Shechinah rested upon him. Therefore he was then called Abraham WITH HEI!
383. Therefore it is written, "These are the generations of the heaven and of the earth when they were created (Heb. behibar'am)" (Beresheet 2:4). As we have learned that "with the letter Hei" (Be-Hei) "they were created (Heb. bra'am)." We also learned about the word beAbraham (with Abraham), WHICH CONSISTS OF THE SAME LETTERS AS THE WORD BEHIBAR'AM. THIS TEACHES US THAT THE WORLD WAS CREATED FOR THE SAKE OF ABRAHAM. AND HE ASKED, "What are they saying?" IN OTHER WORDS, "WHY DO THEY DIFFER FROM EACH OTHER IN THE MEANING OF BEHIBAR'AM? AND HE REPLIED, "One refers to Chesed," SO THE ONE THAT SAYS THAT BEHIBAR'AM ALLUDES TO ABRAHAM, CHESED, MEANS THAT THE WORLD WAS CREATED BECAUSE OF CHESED. The other refers to the Shechinah, THE OTHER SAYS THAT BEHIBAR'AM, ALLUDES TO THE SHECHINAH BECAUSE THE LETTER HEI SIGNIFIES THE SHECHINAH. And there is no contradiction between the two, because they refer to the same meaning, FOR IF THE CHESED EXISTS IN THE WORLD, SO DOES THE SHECHINAH, AND VICE VERSA. THEREFORE, BOTH MEANINGS - CHESED AND THE SHECHINAH - ARE THE SAME. SO THE WORLD WAS CREATED because of the one, CHESED and because of the other, THE SHECHINAH.
384. Rabbi Ya'akov said to Rabbi Aba that the Hei in Behibaram is small, while the Hei in "Do you thus requite Hashem (Hala Hashem)" (Devarim 32:6) is big! What is the difference between them? He said that the one, THE SMALL HEI, is Sabbatical year, NAMELY MALCHUT, while the other, THE LARGE HEI is Jubilee, NAMELY BINAH. Because of this, there are times when the moon is full and times when it wanes. WHEN IT IS A GARMENT FOR BINAH, WHICH IS THE LARGE HEI, IT IS FULL. BUT BEFORE IT IS A GARMENT FOR BINAH, IT IS A SMALL HEI. So THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE SMALL AND LARGE HEI can be seen by the phases of the moon. So everything is now clear! This is the clarification of the matter.