146. Rabbi Shimon was walking along the way, accompanied by his son (Rabbi Elazar), Rabbi Aba, and Rabbi Yehuda. As they were walking, Rabbi Shimon said, I am amazed that the people of this world do not pay attention to the words of Torah or to understanding the reason for their own existence in the world! He opened the discussion by saying, With my soul (Heb. Nefesh) have I desired you in the night; with my spirit (Heb. Ruach) within me will I seek you early" (Yeshayah 26:9). This verse has already been explained. But come and behold, when a person goes to bed, his Nefesh leaves and mounts on high. And if you say that they all mount on high - REFERRING TO THE OTHER GRADES, RUACH AND NESHAMAH - it is not so! Because not every one sees the face of the King. Only the Nefesh rises up, leaving an impression, in the form of minimum life for the heart, with the body.
147. As the Nefesh leaves THE BODY and wishes to ascend, there are many grades to climb. It wanders about and meets with Klipot of the lights of impurity. If the Nefesh is pure and has not been defiled WITH THE BODY during the day, then it rises upward. But if it is impure, then it is defiled among THE KLIPOT and cleaves onto them, and it climbs no further.
148. And there, AMONG THE KLIPOT, they inform the Nefesh about future events, and THE NEFESH cleaves onto them. Sometimes, they scoff with the Nefesh and tell it lies. Thus, in such a manner, it wanders all night until the person wakes up. Then the Nefesh returns to its place IN THE BODY. Happy are the righteous that the Holy One, blessed be He, reveals His secrets to them in their dreams, so that they may protect themselves from judgment. Woe to those wicked people who defile themselves and their Nefesh.
149. Come and behold, as for those who have not defiled themselves DURING THE DAY, when they go to bed to sleep the Nefesh rises. At first, it enters among all the grades OF THE KLIPOT, BUT then it rises above them and does not cleave to them. It continues to wander and climb, until it reaches its proper grade.
150. The Nefesh that deserves to climb high appears before the King and clings passionately to the desire to be seen and to see the pleasantness of the King and visit His palace. Such a person shall always have a share in the World to Come.
151. This is the Nefesh, who yearns to reach the Holy One, blessed be He, and does not cleave to other kinds of Lights. It follows its own holy kind and seeks the place from which it came - THE SECRET OF THE NUKVA, FROM WHERE IT IS DRAWN OUT AND COMES FORTH. Therefore it is written, "With my soul (Nefesh) have I desired you in the night," so that I may pursue You, CLEAVE TO YOU, and not be tempted by the other idolatrous kinds.