143. In the same manner we call UPON THE MOCHIN FROM ZEIR ANPIN TO SHINE DURING THEIR TIME OF MATING ON THE SHECHINAH in the Matzah, which is summoned for the seven days of Pesach. Thus we summon for the seven days of Sukkot the seven kinds, which are the Lulav, the Etrog, the three branches of myrtle and two branches of willow. On Shavuot we call THE MOCHIN OF ZEIR ANPIN by the Torah. Rosh Hashanah is the day of Judgment. Each uses its own kind.
144. Whoever calls each grade with its own kind (NAMELY DREW MOCHIN FROM ZEIR ANPIN TO MALCHUT), the words shall be fulfilled in him, "Then (Heb. az = eight) shall you call, and Hashem shall answer" (Yeshayah 58:9). Az is the seven days of Sukkot together with ONE DAY OF Shmini Atzeret; Az is the Matzah and the seven days of Pesach; Az IS one Sukkah together with the seven kinds of the Lulav, which are three branches of myrtle, two branches of willow, Lulav and Etrog. When included in the four kinds, NAMELY MYRTLE, WILLOW, LULAV AND ETROG, they are TOGETHER WITH THE SEVEN PARTICULARS eleven, which is the numerical value of Hei Vav. Halel should be recited over them with Haleluyah in it, namely Yah (Yud Hei) to complete the Name Yud Hei Vav Hei.
145. MALCHUT is raised by the four kinds up to Thought, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH. This is the meaning of, "I will go up (Heb. e'eleh) into the palm tree" (Shir Hashirim 7:10). E'eleh is a mark, NAMELY THE INITIAL OF Etrog, Aravah (Eng. 'willow'), Lulav and Hadas (Eng. 'myrtle'), and Thought is the explicit Name, NAMELY YUD HEI VAV HEI FULLY SPELLED WITH ALEPHS, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH OF ZEIR ANPIN, WHICH HAS TEN LETTERS, YUD VAV DALET, HEI ALEPH, VAV ALEPH VAV, HEI ALEPH, WHICH, TOGETHER WITH THE FOUR KINDS, reaches the number fourteen like the fourteen joints in the right hand OF ZEIR ANPIN, WHICH IS CHESED, with which one should take the Lulav. The giving of the Torah, NAMELY SHAVUOT, is seven within seven, NAMELY SEVEN DAYS IN SEVEN WEEKS, which amount to the number of fourteen, WHICH IS THE HIGH HAND (HEB. YAD = FOURTEEN), THE SECRET OF THE CENTRAL COLUMN, AS SHALL BE EXPLAINED. On Rosh Hashanah THERE ARE ALSO fourteen: the sound of the Shofar TOGETHER WITH ITS THREE PARTICULARS, WHICH ARE FIRE, AIR AND WATER, ARE FOUR, and with the ten sounds of the Shofar, as we explained before, ARE FOURTEEN.
146. On Pesach, the Shechinah is the great hand from the aspect of Chesed. On Rosh Hashanah, She is the mighty hand from the aspect of Gvurah. At the giving of the Torah, She is a high hand from the aspect of the Central Column, WHICH IS TIFERET. Three times fourteen equal 42, and together with the three patriarchs, CHESED, GVURAH AND TIFERET, from whom they derive, they equal 45, the number of Yud Vav Dalet, Hei Aleph, Vav Aleph Vav, Hei Aleph.