141. There are ten sounds of the Shofar, which are T'kiah Sh'varim T'ruah T'kiah, T'kiah Sh'varim T'kiah, T'kiah T'ruah T'kiah, in which Hei Aleph, Yud Vav Dalet, Vav Aleph Vav, Hei Aleph are clothed. All these letters, towards the other aspects and towards the evil are like chains and spears and swords. One blow is a chain and the two blows are accomplished by ten sounds of the Shofar, and are one. (THE CONTINUATION IS MISSING)
142. It says of it, "and the mother bird sitting upon the young" (Devarim 22:6). The people of Yisrael chirp to her with many chirps of prayers, but she does not want to descend to them. They then take the mother with them, who is the Shechinah, and tie her by the knot of Tefilin. And when they reach Kriat Sh'ma, Her children call the six words of the declaration of unity, which are, "Hear, O Yisrael. Hashem our Elohim; Hashem is one" (Devarim 6:4). They then go down to their mother, THE SHECHINAH, and tie themselves to her BY MEANS OF THE MEDITATION OF 'BLESSED BE THE NAME....' This is the meaning of, "which you shall proclaim" (Vayikra 23:2). This is her duty of matrimony, NAMELY HER TIME OF MATING, as it is written, "WHICH YOU SHALL PROCLAIM TO BE HOLY gatherings (or: 'appointed times')," MEANING, DURING MY TIME OF MATING.