224. Come and see, on that day OF ROSH HASHANAH the moon is gathered, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and does not shine until the tenth day of the month, when all of Yisrael return in complete repentance and supernal Ima, BINAH, again shines upon it. On that day, YOM KIPPUR, MALCHUT receives the illuminations of Ima, BINAH, and joy abounds everywhere. Hence it is written, "for it is a day of atonement (Heb. YOM KIPPUR)" (Vayikra 23:28). It should have said 'Yom Kippur' in the singular; what is the meaning of Yom Kippurim IN THE PLURAL? This is because AT THAT TIME two lights shine together: the supernal luminary, BINAH, shines upon the lower luminary, MALCHUT. On that day, MALCHUT shines with supernal light, WHICH IS BINAH, instead of from the light of the sun, ZEIR ANPIN. Hence it is written, "at the full moon (also: 'the covering') on our feast day" (Tehilim 81:4), BECAUSE MALCHUT DOES NOT SHINE UNTIL YOM KIPPUR.