49. He opened the discussion with the verse: "wisdom is good with an inheritance: and by it there is [more] profit to them that see the sun" (Kohelet 7:11). If this matter had not been revealed TO ME, I would have no idea of its meaning. "Wisdom is good," refers to Chochmah that is underneath the sun, which is a Throne that is prepared FOR THE SUN THAT IS ZEIR ANPIN, WHICH IS CHOCHMAH IN MALCHUT, MEANING THE LOWER CHOCHMAH REFERRED TO AS "UNDER THE SUN," AND CALLED THE 'THRONE.' "Wisdom is good with an inheritance," means it is well and good when CHOCHMAH, WHICH IS MALCHUT, dwells with Yisrael so they will be attached to her, since they are the inheritance and lot OF MALCHUT.
50. However, more profit is for those "that see the sun," because they merit to be attached to the sun, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and to be connected with him. This one is attached to the Tree of Life, and whoever is attached to the Tree of Life is attached to everything, to the life of this world, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and life of the World to Come, WHICH IS BINAH, SINCE ZEIR ANPIN IS ATTACHED IN MALCHUT AND BINAH. This is what is written: "but the excellency of knowledge is that wisdom gives life to those who have it" (Ibid. 12). The meaning of, "but the excellency of knowledge" is the Tree of Life, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF DA'AT AND ZEIR ANPIN. What is its excellency? It is definitely Chochmah, since the Torah, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, certainly emanated from higher Chochmah, WHICH IS ABA AND IMA.
51. Another EXPLANATION FOR: "wisdom is good with an inheritance." Assuredly, "wisdom is good," WHICH IS THE LOWER CHOCHMAH, "with an inheritance." It is the Righteous of the world, MEANING YESOD IN ZEIR ANPIN, which is the brightness of the sun, SINCE YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN IS THE LIGHT OF ZEIR ANPIN CALLED 'SUN.' Those two levels, YESOD AND MALCHUT, dwell together, and that is their beauty. However, "more profit to them that see the sun," NAMELY to those that unite with the sun ITSELF, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, the strength of all and the praise of all.
52. THE SUN is Da'at OF ZEIR ANPIN, which is the Tree of Life, as has already been explained: "Also, that the soul be without knowledge is not good" (Mishlei 19:2). Whose is this "soul?'' It is the good soul of King David, THAT IS MALCHUT, and that is the Chochmah we mentioned, THAT AT THE TIME THAT THE SOUL, WHICH IS MALCHUT, IS ATTACHED TO DA'AT OF ZEIR ANPIN, IT IS CALLED 'LOWER CHOCHMAH.' Therefore, "the excellency of knowledge (Heb. da'at) is...wisdom." From there, FROM DA'AT, the tree is rooted, WHICH IS MALCHUT, and is planted in all directions, TO RIGHT AND LEFT, in all those who become attached to this tree. Therefore, Solomon the king was established only in his level, THAT IS MALCHUT. From there, he was aware of everything and he used to say: "and moreover I saw under the sun" (Kohelet 3:16); THAT IS MALCHUT THAT IS CALLED "UNDER THE SUN," AND ALSO, "I returned, and saw under the sun" (Kohelet 9:11). The same applies to all. Happy are the just who study the Torah and know the ways of the Holy King and the highly sealed things that are stored and hidden in the Torah, as it is written: "for the ways of Hashem are right..." (Hoshea 14:10).