9. Tosefta (Addendum). "And Sarah's life was..." The body of the Mishnah, NAMELY ITS ESSENCE, WAS LONG AND IS NOW ABRIDGED. We, WHO ARE VERSED IN THE MISHNAH, were close TO THE INNER SIDE OF THE GRADE and heard a voice that travels down from above and expands throughout the world. This voice uproots mountains and smashes strong rocks, NAMELY ITS ILLUMINATION UPROOTS AND SMASHES ALL THE KLIPOT. Great spirits rise, and ears are open.
10. As THE VOICE TRAVELS TO THREE PLACES, it says, Cut off a portion, how the still ones, who are still sleeping, maintain their guard and stand in position. The king, NUKVA, guards the gates, as the ruler over many armies stands by his post.
11. Nobody notices or knows that the book is open, and is written in by a name (is this correct?), and Dumah rises to receive the reckoning. The dwellers of dust, NAMELY THE WICKED, go back outside. The good part, THE CENTRAL COLUMN, THAT IS YESOD, WHICH IS CALLED GOOD, APPROCHES, to be counted among them, but they do not wish for rolling and reversing (what does rolling and reversing mean?) .
12. BECAUSE THEY DO NOT WANT THE ROLLING AND REVERSING ?, they fall and do not come back to life. THUS, the wicked are wiped from the book of Dumah. Who then shall claim them AT THE TIME OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD, AS IT IS SAID THAT AT THE TIME OF THE RESURRECTION, THE ANGEL METATRON WILL RECEIVE A NOTE AT THE CEMETERIES FROM DUMAH. WHO WILL CLAIM THOSE WICKED WHO ARE NOT ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE RECKONING OF DUMAH AT THE RESURRECTION? And who will care for their accounts? THIS ALLUDES TO THE HARSH KLIPAH NAMED "SICHON," WHO DOES THE RECKONING AND CORRESPONDS TO "DUMAH," FOR "DUMAH" MEANS SILENCE, WHILE "SICHON" MEANS CONVERSATION OR TALKING. Woe to them, woe to their lives, woe to their pains. For them, the verse says, "Let them be blotted out of the Book of the Living" (Tehilim 69:29). End of Tosefta (Addendum).