32. Rabbi Aba opened the discussion with the verse, "Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth: Mount Zion, the uttermost parts of the north, the city of the Great King" (Tehilim 48:3). This verse is the secret of faith: "Beautiful for situation" is Joseph the Righteous, of whom scripture says, "And Joseph was good looking, and well favored" (Beresheet 39:6); he is "the joy of the whole earth," the gladness and joy above and below; "Mount Zion, the uttermost parts of the north" is his portion, JOSEPH'S PORTION, where the tabernacle of Shilo stands, "Mount Zion" is Jerusalem, NAMELY, THE NUKVA, "the uttermost parts of the north" is assuredly above and below, FOR BOTH THE UPPER TEMPLE, THE NUKVA, AND THE LOWER TEMPLE ARE CONSIDERED TO BE OF THE ASPECT OF THE NORTH, NAMELY, THE ILLUMINATION OF THE LEFT OF BINAH, THE SECRET OF THE ILLUMINATION OF CHOCHMAH.
33. "...The city of the Great King" is a place prepared for the Great King, the most high King residing over the Holy of Holies, from whom all Light, Blessings, and Joy comes, so that all faces shine and the Temple is blessed. When it is blessed, since every blessing emerges from there, the whole world is blessed from there.