95. "And his brothers went to feed their father's flock in Shchem" (Beresheet 37:12). Rabbi Shimon asks, Why is the particle Et ('the') added? HE ANSWERS, THE PREPOSITION Et has dots over it, which represent the Shechinah, FOR THE SHECHINAH, NAMED 'ET,' dwelt with them as they were a group of ten. WHEREVER THERE ARE TEN MEN, THE SHECHINAH HOVERS ABOVE THEM. They were ten because Joseph was not with them and little Binyamin was at home. When they went, the Shechinah was among them, for which reason there are dots ABOVE THE PARTICLE ET.
96. For that reason, they were in collaboration with the Shechinah when they sold Joseph; they made Her a partner to their oath and made Her vow NOT TO REVEAL THE SALE OF JOSEPH. Thus, until THE SALE OF Joseph was made known, the Shechinah did not rest upon Jacob.
97. If you say that the Shechinah was not with THE TRIBES, come and behold the verse, "There the tribes used to go up, the tribes of Yah, an appointed practice for Yisrael to give thanks to the name of Hashem" (Tehilim 122:4). They were all just and pious, the sustenance of the inhabitants of the world, FOR THE WHOLE WORLD ENDURED THANKS TO THEM both above and below, IN THE UPPER AND LOWER WORLDS.